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< User:Leziad‎ | Psychokinetic


Defensive Psi-TalentsEdit


This psychic defense absorb incoming energy, early on this only make attacks miss. However as this psi-talent grow, it allow you to heal from any excess energy absorbed.
Active Defense
As a standard action you create a vortex at the tip of your outstretched arm, absorbing any attacks. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +8 deflection bonus to AC.
If an attack miss you, you gain half the damage it would have dealt as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last 1 round.
Grade Effect
absorb α You gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC.
absorb β You gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and energy resistance to all energy type equal to 5 + half your caster level.
absorb γ As absorb β except you heal half of any damage prevented by your energy resistance if it not breached (if you are not dealt damage).
absorb δ As absorb γ except the deflection bonus to AC become +4.
Ultimate Grade Effect
absorb σ As absorb γ except that you may use the active defense as a immediate action, doing so only make it last for a single attack.
absorb ω As absorb γ except that you when you use the active defense it duration become concentration + 1 round and you may concentrate on it as a swift action.


Example Name
Active Defense
Hard Shield As a standard action, you reinforce your shield, reducing any incoming damage by twice it bonus for 1 round.
Grade Effect
psy-shield α You gain a +2 Shield Bonus to AC as well as 1 points of temporary hit points per caster level. These temporary hit points do not stack with other sources
and replenish at the rate of 1 per at the start of each of your turn. The number of current temporary hit points carry over between multiple activation.
psy-shield β As psy-shield α except the shield bonus increase to +4 and the temporary hit points recovery is 2 per round.
psy-shield γ As psy-shield β except the shield bonus increase to +6 and the temporary hit limit is equal to twice your caster level.
psy-shield δ As psy-shield γ except the shield bonus increase to +8 and the temporary hit points recovery is 4 per round.
Ultimate Grade Effect
psy-shield σ As psy-shield δ except you may use it active defense as a swift action.
psy-shield ω As psy-shield δ except it regain all of it temporary hit point at the start of each of your turn.


Example Name
Active Defense
Defense Name
Grade Effect
name α
name β
name γ
name δ
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ
name ω

Thought WardEdit

Example Name
Active Defense
Defense Name
Grade Effect
name α
name β
name γ
name δ
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ
name ω

Offensive Psi-TalentsEdit


This psi-talents create a damaging surge of electricity in an area, later grade stun and even paralyze those caught within.
Grade Effect
brainstorm α As the burning hands spell except it deal electricity damage. It may be may delivered it as a touch attack against a target to negate any saving throw for that target.
brainstorm β As brainstorm α except damage become 1d6 per caster level (max 10d6).
brainstorm γ As the fireball spell except it deal electricity damage and is capped at 15d6.
brainstorm δ As brainstorm β but cause all caught creature to make a Fortitude save or become stunned for 1 round and deal 1d8 per caster level (max 20d8).
If delivered as a touch attack the touched creature must make a Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 1 round instead.
Ultimate Grade Effect
brainstorm σ As the fire storm spell except it deal electricity damage. All creatures caught in the area are staggered for as long as they remain in it.
brainstorm ω As brainstorm γ except the damage increase to 1d8 per caster level (max 20d10), all creature caught inside must also make a Fortitude save or become stunned for 1 round.

Brain BlastEdit

Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc

Ki BlastEdit

Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc

Telekinetic BlastEdit

Example Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc

Utility Psi-TalentsEdit


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc

Mind ReadingEdit

An incredible psi-talent which allow the user to read the mind of one or multiple targets.
As it grow, this power allow the user to even influence the mind of other creatures or read a ridiculous amount of them.
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
mind reading α As a move action you can read the thought of a single creature within 60 ft. as per read thoughts.
mind reading β As the read thoughts power.
mind reading γ As the mind reading α psi-talent except you may leave use thought seed (3rd level) on the target as a standard action.
mind reading δ As the mind reading β psi-talent, except as a 120-ft radius centered on yourself.
Ultimate Grade Effect
mind reading σ As the mind reading γ except with unlimited range and you ignore line or sight or effect, you simply need to be on the same plane as the intended target.
mind reading ω As the mind reading δ except as a 12 miles radius around yourself.

Mind ControlEdit

Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc

Psychic ConstructEdit

Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


This Psi-Talent allow it user to move instantly through time and space, arriving to a destination with the speed of thoughts.
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
teleport α You teleport to any location within 10 feet within both your line or sight and effect.
teleport β As a move action, you teleport up to 10 feet per caster level in any location within both your line or sight and effect
teleport γ As the dimension door (self only) spell.
teleport δ As the teleport (self only) spell.
Ultimate Grade Effect
teleport σ As the greater teleport spell.
teleport ω As the teleport (self only) spell except as a move or swift action.


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc


Example Name
Basic Utility
Utility Name
Grade Effect
name α Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name β Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name γ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name δ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
Ultimate Grade Effect
name σ Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc
name ω Blablablablblablab etctectetcetc