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User:ThunderGod Cid/AM Profiles

< User:ThunderGod Cid

The following report has been filed jointly by the Twins, Sasha and Sylvia. Sylvia's sections are differentiated by italics for ease of reading.

Captain's Note: No doubt the Twins spent an unhealthy amount of time around this subject. Given their history, their attitude towards him should be carefully monitored, and it would be prudent to ensure they have nothing more to do with him.

Geoffrey HoltzmanEdit

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Titles: "Holt the Bruiser", "Magic Hands", BWiz (evocation), MMS candidate

Notable Associates: Elush, Student Enforcement Council

Personal HistoryEdit

I don't even get why we're writing a report on our own fucking agent. If Captain suspects him, it doesn't fucking matter what our report says, so why don't we just take him in for some good old time with Tholan?

Captain's Note: Time has not softened Sylvia's tongue, it seems. The temerity of that girl is appalling at times, but she is a necessary evil in order to retain Sasha and her many talents. If Holt is indeed becoming disloyal, Tholan may yet have to be called upon.

A studious boy from an impoverished family, Geoffrey Holtzman (known to everyone as “Holt”, a moniker given to him on his first day of school that has since stuck) only goes to school at the whims of the Enforcement Council.

That bunch of dweeb bitches extorts the shit out of him. Can we just kill the low-lifes and make them dance for us so they know how it feels? Pretty please?

In fear of losing his scholarship, Mr. Holtzman is now the primary student patrol member of the Enforcement Council. As in all his pursuits, however, he seeks to excel in this task so that his schooling can continue uninterrupted. It is for this that he has since acquired the title of “Bruiser”, likely a reference to the powerful force magicks he looks certain to master before his time at school is up.

Captain's Note: The school bursar has revealed no record of any tuition payments on behalf of Mr. Holtzman, suggesting that the aforementioned “scholarship” was in actuality just the alteration of records by Enforcement higher-ups to include his name without any exchange of money (at least through proper channels). That they forgot to edit our finances as well suggests they are getting sloppy. As for Holtzman, this is grounds for expulsion, although it would be a shame to lose such a promising youngster over such a triviality.

Of average size and low weight, Mr. Holtzman is not what one would describe as physically intimidating, and for much of his career he has been abused by Enforcement members. Despite missing the majority of his classes and doing work for several other Enforcement goons in addition to his own, he still has maintained high grades throughout his time at AM. Monitoring of Mr. Holtzman’s room suggests that he is rarely present, which leads to the question of where (or if) he sleeps. Further investigation into alternative resting methods to which a student would have access is recommended.

Holy shit, and he’s so cute too!

Captain’s Note: No doubt this investigation would involve Sylvia sneaking into Mr. Holtzman’s bed. Her fixation upon him may be becoming more of a liability than is tolerable. I shudder to think what would become of such a situation, although I wonder which of he or the Twins would come out of that encounter worse for wear.

As of late, Mr. Holtzman has become increasingly outside Enforcement's sphere of influence. He has fallen in with Elush, and while his numerous duties have not afforded him the time to gain some of the more infamous of his master’s traits (most notably Elush’s near-constant lechery) Mr. Holtzman has possibly acquired Elush’s taste for darker magicks. One particular example is his thesis, which took the form of a spell that incites internal bleeding in its target, a much more lethal incantation than anything he developed while under the watchful and controlling Eyes. Rumors persist amongst the well-informed that Mr. Holtzman adapted the spell off of a concept Elush had looked to use to remedy male impotence, but Mr. Holtzman’s use of the spell to cause hematoma within the body of a fleeing student has greatly increased both his and Elush’s notoriety throughout the school while also putting him in the face of all sorts of disciplinary issues.

Captain’s Note: These disciplinary issues, like so many other things that happen insofar as Enforcement is concerned, have of course been rescinded. Despite our consistently poor treatment of him, there can be no denial that the Council recognizes Mr. Holtzman’s value. Elush remains a threat to us, however, and if he is teaching Holt then we may well have already lost much of what we stood to gain from this opportunity.

Mr. Holtzman’s activities with Elush have continued in a similar pattern, but it is quite possible that no instructor at Academia Magica approaches his talents with force magic. It is rumored that he already possesses the necessary work to have a dissertation ready for peer review. No doubt the delays in its publication are the work of the Council seeking to prolong their exploitation of his services, but anyone seeking to witness the effectiveness of his research need only examine his meticulous student capture reports.

Perhaps fortunately for the student body at large, none of the other members of the student patrol have been able to even come close to replicating his effectiveness, and while he does work hard to catch violators during his appointed shifts Mr. Holtzman has made very little effort to hide when those shifts are. This suggests that perhaps he is taking steps to separate himself from Enforcement authority, even if only in the form of a silent acceptance of student transgressions that don’t take place under his nose.

Perceptions of HoltEdit

Among StudentsEdit

As mentioned previously, Mr. Holtzman is most often regarded by students as an object of terror. This is understandable, given that he is most often seen conducting official Enforcement business as its public face. As an teacher's assistant in Evocation, he is known for being a stickler for hard work and an excessively harsh grader, despite missing the majority of classes himself with long absences due to alleged health concerns.

Mr. Holtzman did not do his reputation at the school any favors by declaring his master's program in the field of Magical Security. His research bends have also been curious, stipulating that live subject testing be required. That having been said, no one interrogated for this report is aware of any focus groups being created for live tests.

Captain's Note: Given the sinister nature of his activities, it is quite possible that Mr. Holtzman is administering his own treatments on himself for the live phase. This would explain his confiding in Elush for additional assistance, as well as his absences from duty, which Enforcement management pinned (perhaps erroneously, in hindsight) on his high stress levels and lack of sleep.

Among FacultyEdit

Holt is super-smart and could totally be a teacher's pet, but instead he spends all his time doing research for Elush instead of being a normal person. It's very fucking depressing...

Most faculty keep Mr. Holtzman at a wide berth. While they are aware of his brilliance, many reject him due to low family standing and what one professor (who wished to be unnamed) called a "ruthless and limitless ambition to overcome his seemingly natural disadvantages". They are also aware of his poor approval ratings as a TA, a position he received from Elush without the consultation of other staff. With further prodding, most went so far as to reveal that they suspect he is an agent sent by Enforcement to spy on them.

Captain's Note: Let them continue to think that. Obviously most of them have little idea that the Twins are ours as well.

Personal LifeEdit

