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Vantasteel (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 11th November 2018
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A material that is grown rather than forged, vantasteel is so black that it look like a shard of pure darkness. Due to how it is made, vantasteel cannot be made into armor or shields. Vantasteel do not rust and barely degrade over item, making it an incredibly durable material. The process to make vantasteel is alchemical in nature, growing carbon over an alloy of adamantine and iron and shaping the 'growth' into usable parts. It is said the process was developed by an half-drow alchemist who sought to grow adamantine for making herself rich, but it is simply an urban rumor.

A weapon made of vantasteel is always masterwork in nature, the material is extremely hard and tough. It is effectively Adamantine for many intent and purpose, including bypassing DR/Adamantine and hardness less than 20. There is one weakness to vantasteel that is not shared by adamantine, if Broken it may only be repaired through magic.

If made magical, a vantasteel weapon become capable of cutting through colors. A magical vantasteel weapon is capable of striking through a prismatic wall without endangering the wielder, ignore a prismatic armor (including the armor bonus) as well as similar effects. As a readied action it may even be used to destroy a color spray or prismatic spray, making an attack roll opposed to a caster level check, if successful you prevent your square from being affected as well as any square behind you. A magical vantasteel weapon is immune to any color-based spells and abilities.

Vantasteel has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 25.

Type of Vantasteel Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +90 gp
Weapon +4,500 gp

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