Moonside EB-3 (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-14-11
Status: Complete
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Moonside EB-3

CR 15

Female Uberich LA 1/Humanoid 4/Wilder 10
CN Medium Humanoid
Init/Senses +8/Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Aquan, Celestial, Common, Itoich, Temorian, Terran, Telepathy 100 ft.
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 12; +8 Augmented Wild Surge Force Screen (12pp, ML17), +8 Augmented Wild Surge Interial Armor (12pp, ML17), Elude Touch
(+1 deflection, +6 dex, +1 insight, +1 natural)
hp 81 (120 full) (4d8+10d6+28 HD)
Immune Poison, Polymorphing, Petrification, and Form-Altering Effects.
Resist Acid 10 and Electricity 10
Fort/Ref/Will +9/+18/+15; Evasion, +2 vs mind-affecting when using Heart of Stone
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Mwk Longspear +11 (1d8, 20/x3)
Ranged +5 Psychic Shortbow +21 (1d6+5, 20/x3)Over 130pp reserve
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +10/+10
Atk Options Wild Surge +5
Special Actions -
Power Points 177
Powers Known (ML 14th):
Abilities Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 31
SQ Elude Touch, Psionic Enervation, Surging Euphoria +1, Volatile Mind (2 power points)
Feats Empower Power, Split Psionic Ray1, Psicrystal Containment, Psicrystal Affinity, Alertness2, Psionic Meditation, Expanded Knowledge (Greater Concealing Amorpha), Expanded Knowledge (Hustle), Bioweapon (Mind Tremor)
Skills Autohypnosis +19, Concentration +19, Escape Artist +23, Listen +9, Psicraft +21, Spot +9, Tumble +23, Feat Purchasing 17 ranks
Possessions 1,200g, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of BattleMIC, Cloak of Charisma +6, Gloves of Dexterity +6, Goggles of Night, Handy Haversack, Iuon Stone (Dusty Rose), Mwk Longspear, Ring of Evasion, Psychic Shortbow +1, Ring of Protection +1, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Vest of Resistance +5MIC
Bio-Energy Reserve A pool of energy used for various racial abilities and feats, it is equal to 3+Con modifier (minimum 1) points and regenerates 1 point per minute. Moonside has 5 bio-energy points.
Bioweapon Mind Tremor 10d6 psychic damage plus sickened for 1 round in a 10 ft. cone, consumes 1 bio-energy point. DC 21 Will save for half damage and negates sickening. Does not require line-of-effect. The save DC is Intelligence based.
Heart of Stone Emotionally alien, uberichs can expend 1 bio-energy point as a free action to gain a +2 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects for 1 round.
Belt of Battle Holds 3 charges per day, activate as a swift action. Spend 1 charge to obtain an extra move action. Spend 2 charges for a standard action. Spend 3 charges for a full-round action.
Slippers of Spider Climbing 20 ft. climb speed for up to 10 minutes per day, split up as the wearer chooses.

*1: Bonus feat from magical location. *2: From psicrystal.

Moonside is a uberich with a broken mind. After her ship crashed on an unknown planet, she and her kin were taken to a strange lab and had terrible experiments performed on them, transforming the once proud uberich into a creature fueled by paranoia and fear. She never tries to fight, but often starts them, shooting first and running while the resulting chaos ensues. She uses mass cloud mind to minimize her opponents, then uses skirmish tactics until they no longer follow her.

She possesses a nimble psicrystal, granting her +2 to initiative.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating15 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameMoonside EB-3 +
RaceUberich +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA lost uberich seperated from the colony, fear consumes her every act. +
TitleMoonside EB-3 +
TypeHumanoid +