Charg (4e Power)

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Revision as of 23:26, 16 February 2011 by Foxwarrior (talk | contribs) (for transclusion, yada yada yada)
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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 2/16/11
Status: Just started
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Wordstacker Utility 12
With crackling and cackling, you double the awesomeness of your spell.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Boost Word
Standard -
Effect: Charg adds the same thing to the Base Word power it boosts that every other Boost Word applied to the Base Word combined do. (Charg effectively doubles each Boost Word)

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Facts about "Charg (4e Power)"
Action TypeStandard +
AuthorFoxwarrior +
Identifier4e Power +
KeywordArcane + and Boost Word +
Level12 +
Range- +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleCharg +
TypeWordstacker Utility Power +
UsageDaily +