SRD:Summon Nature's Ally IX

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This spell functions like summon nature’s ally I, except that you can summon one 9th-level creature, 1d3 8th-level creatures of the same kind, or 1d4+1 lower-level creatures of the same kind.

When you use a summoning spell to summon an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type.

Summon Nature’s Ally

1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level

4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

*Can’t cast irresistible dance

7th Level

*Can’t cast irresistible dance

8th Level

9th Level

*Can cast irresistible dance

  1. May be summoned only into an aquatic or watery environment.

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