Vine Pull (4e Power)

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Author: Liosrakia (talk)
Date Created: 8-15-2011
Status: Complete
Editing: None
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Vine Pull
School Boy Attack 1
You cause vines to sprout out of your allies feet pulling their targets closer.
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: Wisdom modifier damage, pull the target a number of squares equal to your dexterity modifier.

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Facts about "Vine Pull (4e Power)"
Action TypeStandard Action +
AuthorLiosrakia +
Identifier4e Power +
KeywordArcane + and Implement +
Level1 +
RangeBurst1 within 10 squares +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleVine Pull +
TypeSchool Boy Attack Power +
UsageAt-Will +