Fleet Ship (3.5e Location)

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Xeno Codex (3.5e Sourcebook)/Travelers of the Fates

Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 10/23/10
Status: Fin
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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File:Nyota Mji 2.jpg
A Nyota Mji village

Generic Features

The Zeitgeist Dynasty crumbled with the destruction of their central solar system. Many victim planets of the dynasty were also destroyed. Yet shortly after the Dynasties demise, a coalition of Uongo-mijusi, Kisalli, and Tempus formed to rescue what was left of their galaxy. Creating the Nyota Mji from slave-ships, frigates, and battle ships, left in ruin after the war. Constantly searching the universe for a new home system. While maintaining there vigil, and sights on there quarry - the zeigeists and magic!

Plane Traits

Physical Traits

  • Time: Normal
  • Morphic: Nyota Mji are static, to such an extent that only siege weapons can damage them.

Power, Magic, Alignment, & Energy/Elemental Traits

  • Elemental Dominance: Electricity, and Metal
  • Energy Dominance: Positive-Dominant, minor (Colors are brighter, fires are hotter, noises are louder, and sensations are more intense as a result of the positive energy. All individuals gain fast healing 2 as an extraordinary ability).
  • Alignment Trait: Good-Aligned, mild (Creatures who have a evil alignment take a –2 circumstance penalty on all charisma-based checks.
  • Magic Trait: Impeded Magic (make a Spellcraft check DC 30 + the level of the spell. If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally).


Plane Links

Whenever a city makes a hyper-jump, it briefly visits the Plane of Shadow. Does not link to any other plane, including the Astral and Ethereal planes

Movement and Combat

As an Earth-like planet



Uongo-mijusi, Kisalli, Tempus, and Zherihnghil make up most of the leadership of Nyota Mji. They are the original races, and are most of the culture. Due to the reproduction decline of tempus and seppia, they are not at the numbers that they once where. Yet the seppias' renown for tinkering, and the tempus' reputation for knowledge, has allowed them to remain as a pivotal part of the culture.

Small sects of Chromatic Dwarf, Elnade, Gear Actua, Hat, Invincibles, Skandars, and S'uuisku have inhabited Nyota Mji for at least a millennium. Allowing some to gain high seats of power in uongo-mijusi society. But most are still considered second class citizens - even though there is no official law that separates them. Double standards have been legitimized, "for the safety of starship society - to keep history from repeating itself". Prejudices have slowly infected their cites!

All aliens that are not listed below or above. Are such a minority, that they have limited pull in society. They are not despised - its just, there are not enough of them to make a mark in the Nyota Mji world. This is also the case for: aberrations, animals, humanoids, and monstrous humanoids.

Eldritch Horror, Hekatonped, setenall, uberich, zeigeist, and other malicious aliens, are killed on the spot. This policy has been extended to: celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, magical beasts, undead, and non-alien outsiders not mentioned above.

Approximate values of populations can be found in the Monsters of Nyota Mji page.

Guild Houses

Sectors posses guilds houses, to facilitate the many versatile classes that its inhabitants may have. Some classes have multiple guild options. One can be a member to only one guild at a time. Each guild has its own symbol as noted in parenthesis after name. (See below table.)

Guild Base Classes Prestige Classes Paragon Classes Benifits1
Entertainer(₠) Bard, Battle Chef, Chameleon, Dancer, Jester, Mana Alchemist, Puppeteer, Relaxed Warrior, Warrior-poet Butoh, Cheerleader, Gambler, Monster Gourmet, War Breakdancer Perform2
Hermae(↔) Tenken, Hare, Hobo, Monk of the Forgotten Fist, Nomad, Student of Kung Fu, Zen Monk Dizzy Master, Iaijutsu Master, Mercurial Warrior, Way of the Walker +1 Dexterity
Historian(₮) Knowledge Mage, Proteus, Psion, Warrior-poet Ascetic, Bardbarian, Cloistered Archivist, Loremaster, Xenophile, Onni, Tempus Bardic Knowledge2
Naturalist(♠) Beastmaster, Farmer, Geopsyche, Lay on Hands Crusader, Monster Tamer, Pack Mother Druid, Survivor Spell-less Ranger Animal Soul, Horizon Walker, Wildhunter Wasomi Survival3
Pilot(♦) Commander, Economist, Fighter, Marshal, Psion, Psychic Warrior Strategist Airship Pilot, Legendary Strategist, Thrallherd Onni, Teknolojia +1 Charisma
Police(¥) Biotic Vanguard, Monk of the Forgotten Fist, Student of Kung Fu, Wilder, Zen Monk Dizzy Master, Drunken Master, Imperial Policeman, Monk, Psionic Fist, Shieldmaster Onni Smite Chaos4 2/day
Scientist(₪) Alchemist, Clockwork Reanimator, Electric Mage, Forcemaster, Gadgeteer, Mana Alchemist, Pyrotechnic Artificer, Xenophile, Xingese Alchemist Teknolojia, Tempus Craft Xeno-2
Special Ops(₢) Assassin, Lord Dhazriel Variant, Battlesmith, Bounty Hunter, Chameleon, Marksman, Ranger, Rogue, Soulknife Airship Pilot, Assassin, Horizon Walker, Metahand, Sharpshooter, Slayer Onni, Wasomi Survival3
Warrior(₩) Autoplate Pilot, Barbarian, Halberdier, Psion, Soulknife, Wilder, Wrathmind, Zweiręka Bardbarian, Elocater, Meat Shield, Sublime (Grimoire), Metahand, Raging Hulk, Variant, Tiny Hammerer, War Mind, Xenophile Gokiburi, Ortshell, Wasomi +1 Strength
  1. Gain the below benefits after 2 seasons (or 2 levels) of continual membership.
  2. ...becomes a class skill, with a +3 guild bonus to it. As well as a +2 bonus to one other Int or Cha based class skill.
  3. ...becomes a class skill, with a +3 guild bonus to it. As well as a +2 bonus to Handle Animal.
  4. Smite Chaos: treat like Smite Evil. As well as a +2 bonus to Urban Tracking

If a class is not encompassed in any guild, you can only continue leveling in it through illicit guilds. The minimum penalty is 300 XP, and 400gp... That is if you get caught;).

City Types

Table: Cites

Hit Die: d20

Class Type Health City Size Population Speed2
HD bonus hp1 HP
I Village 20 7,500 7,710 Kilo <250 200' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
II Village 25 9,000 9,263 Mega 250-500 400' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
III Town 30 10,500 10,815 Giga 500-1000 800' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
IV Town 35 12,500 12,868 Tera 1000-2000 1600' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
V Monopolise 40 14,500 14,920 Peta 2000-4000 3200' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
VI Monopolise 45 17,000 17,473 Exa 4000-8000 6400' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
VII Metropolis 50 19,500 19,525 Zetta 8000-16,000 12,000' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
VIII Metropolis 55 22,500 23,083 Yotta 16,000-32,000 24,000' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
IX Cosmopolis 60 26,000 26,630 Googol 32,000-64,000 48,000' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
X Cosmopolis 65 30,000 30,683 Googolplex >64,000 96,000' fly (clumsy), hyperjump
  1. Greater Construct Size and Bonus Hit Points x50 (you may want this calculator)
  2. All cities have the capacity to hyperjump, otherwise they have a fly speed(clumsy) equal to 1/5 their total length.

Features of Nyota Mji


The entrances and exits of the ship.

By Type

Village (Incomplete)

Town (Incomplete)

Monopolise (Incomplete)

Metropolis (Incomplete)

Cosmopolis (Complete)


The Nyota culture greatly values learning, and wisdom. Thus the following three buildings have pivotal effects on its culture.

Libraries: for each sequential day (after first), must make a Will save of (noted DC +5 each day(culminates), -1 per 4HD, -1 per 5 concentration skill modifiers) each day, to continue study. Is negated if one spends a day doing something else between each sturdy day.

  • Lesser: After four day's of study, and a search check DC above 15 (or a librarian); gain a permanent +2 circumstance bonus to a craft, knowledge, profession, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Moderate: After three day's of study, and a search check DC above 20 (or a librarian); gain a permanent +4 circumstance bonus to an craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Greater: After two day's of study, and a search check DC above 25 (or a librarian), gain a permanent +6 circumstance bonus to an craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, psicraft, spellcraft, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Specialized: After three day's of study, and a search check DC above 20 (or a librarian), gain a permanent +10 circumstance bonus to librarys' craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, psicraft, spellcraft, or survival speciality that can include secrets.

Museums: no will save needed to continue research. Non-permanent, divide effects by 2 every year after until 1/3 of original benefit; can be negated if one does another setion. Setions last two hours.

  • Lesser: After four setions, and a search check DC above 15 (or a guide); gain a non-permanent +2 circumstance bonus to a craft, or knowledge, skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Moderate: After three setions, and a search check DC above 20 (or a guide); gain a non-permanent +4 circumstance bonus to an craft, or knowledge, skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Greater: After two setions, and a search check DC above 25 (or a guide), gain a non-permanent +6 circumstance bonus to an craft, knowledge, psicraft, or spellcraft, skill that does not involve secrets.
  • Specialised: After one setion, and a search check DC above 20 (or a guide), gain a non-permanent +10 circumstance bonus to museums' craft, knowledge, psicraft, or spellcraft speciality that can include secrets.

Theatre: do not stack, take the benefits of the higher stack, and the drawbacks of the lower stack

  • Lesser: +2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and fear effects; and +5 to concentration checks the following two day's. -2 against charms or compulsions during the act and a day after. Regain 1 point from a drained ability score. Cost 50gp for three hours
  • Moderate: +4 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and fear effects; and +7 to concentration checks the following three day's. -4 against charms or compulsions during the act and a day and a half after. Regain 2 point's from a drained ability score (can be split between two scores). Cost 100gp for two hours
  • Greater: +6 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and fear effects; and +10 to concentration checks the following four day's. -6 against charms or compulsions during the act and two days after. Regain 3 point's from a drained ability score (can be split between two scores). Cost 150gp for one hour
  • Royal: +8 to Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks the following six day's. -8 against charms or compulsions, and -2 concentration during the act and three days after. Regain 4 point's from a drained ability score (can be split between three scores); or regain a drained level. Cost 200gp for one hour

There is also a market district that houses: apothecaries, beasteries, taverns, mechanicical, and weapon shops. Shops are mostly small in scale.

Military Rooms

Gun rooms: are large rooms that protrudes 20' from ship the outside of the ship - from 2-8 rooms per city. Each equip with: 1 huge minigun, 1 large electron gun, and 1 small Biplanar Force Gun. All guns are attached to the outside of the room, and can be commanded by a single player, the room houses two command chairs, and is windowless, relying on screens to find targets. The room can be individually quarantined from the rest of the ship from the bridge, or just outside the air-lock door. The gun rooms are the outer exoskeleton of the ship; and have a serious of hallways that connect them all other military rooms.

All Nyota Mij have: 2 bridges, 5 engine rooms, and 1 hyperdrive. For when under heavy fire, it is good to have spare parts. The bridges are shaped like half circles, the crescent center is a window - with a metal shield around. There is one air-tight door that leads out of the room, and seven chairs in the center of the room. The engine rooms are circular. Large spiral double-helix structures dominate the room, and attach to a cone shaped structure in the center of the room. There are small metallic beads within the spiral structures. The hyper drive is in a cold dark room; and only uongo-mijusi may see or touch the structure, without getting an effect similar to a dreg-cachin concoction.

Academies house the bot command center, military offices, and the troop training facilities. Noting the need to be prepared for war when travelling the universe. This is the brain of the ships military. And is thus centrally located.

All Nyota Mji have one Guzurren. Which is a titanic laser gun, that is on the underbelly of the city.

Table: Guzurren

Type Damage Radius Range Reload time
Village 5d4+750 5' 1mi 15 rounds
Town 5d6+1500 10' 3mi 12 rounds
Monopolise 5d8+3000 15' 9mi 9 rounds
Metropolis 5d10+6000 15' 27mi 6 rounds
Cosmopolis 5d12+12,000 20' 71mi 3 rounds

Anti-magic prisons consist of 12 9x9x9 cells surrounding one 18x18x9 cell - and a walkway in the shape of an L on two sides. The bars consist of a quasi-metallic core, and ant-magic plasma coat that glows. The bars must be activated and deactivated individually, and there is a 1 square between each. Each prison has a small guard house to operate the bars; yet the uon turrets on every entrance are operated elsewhere.


The adminastrative building is adjacent to the library. And only houses 2-4 large rooms, with tables, and data banks. There are no official offices for bureaucrats. This means that most bureaucratic affairs occur in public space.

With the exception of ambassadors, all characters with magical classes (not excluded above) are incarcerated on the spot. They are held in anti-magical jails. And are dropped of at the next habitual planet. Magic is treated like an infection on Nyota Mji - but inhabitance fear pissing of the anthrax.

Nyota Mji is a federal republic oligarchy. Meaning 5% of population is voted for to rule a government with divisions of power. This body has three presiding officers, that it votes for, to lead only in military crises. These three renounce there ability to govern in any other sector during such a time (in all other matters, like civilian rights or commerce, the other politicians rule). And the government may not change any law during a military crises.

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AuthorFranken Kesey +
Identifier3.5e Location +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryThe [[Xeno Codex (3.5e Sourcebook)/Zeitgei
The Zeitgeist Dynasty crumbled with the destruction of their central solar system. Many victim planets of the dynasty were also destroyed. Yet shortly after the Dynasties demise, a coalition of Uongo-mijusi, Kisalli, and Tempus formed to rescue what was left of their galaxy. Creating the Nyota Mji from slave-ships, frigates, and battle ships, left in ruin after the war. Constantly searching the universe for a new home system. While maintaining there vigil, and sights on there quarry - the zeigeists and magic!
on there quarry - the zeigeists and magic! +
TitleFleet Ship +
TypeCity/Planet/Plane +