Golem Overlord (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 18:24, 9 August 2011 (UTC)
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Stf135 bosh.jpg
A golem overlord getting ready to throw stuff at you.

Golem Overlord

Golem Overlord

CR 16

LN Gargantuan Construct
Init/Senses +2/Arcane sight (250 ft. instead), Darkvision 250 ft., low-light vision; Listen +14, Spot +14
AC 41, touch 27, flat-footed 39; Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
(-4 Size, +2 Dex, +19 deflection, +6 natural, +8 armor)
hp 780 (14 HD); DR 20/Adamantine, DR 5/—
Immune Mind-effecting abilities, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
Resist All magical and elemental damage 5
Fort/Ref/Will +22/+18/+19
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +35/+30 Slam (4d6+10/x3 plus powerful slam)
Space/Reach 20ft./20ft.
Base Atk/Grp +10/+32
Abilities Str 30, Dex 15, Con —, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 12
Aura of Animation (Su) At the start of each of its turns, a Golem overlord animates objects similar to the Animate Objects spell. It can control a maximum equivalent small objects equal to its HD + 2, but otherwise can maintain animation or release animation of any object within 250 ft. at its leisure. Any animated object that moves outside this range is no longer animated by the aura.
Throw Object (Ex) The golem overlord can throw an object within its reach at an enemy within 250 ft., dealing damage based on the object's size. The golem must succeed at a ranged attack roll with a +35 bonus to hit (+30 for a second attack, +25 for a third attack, etc.). Note that the number of attacks it can make per round is still limited by its BAB and actions. See below for the action required and damage amount.
  • A gargantuan object deals 20d6 damage and requires 1 round to use this ability. If the golem is dealt damage during this time, it must make a Strength ability check DC 10 + one fifth the damage dealt or drop the object on itself dealing 10d6 damage to the golem and object.
  • A huge object requires a full-round action and deals 15d6 damage if it hits.
  • A large object requires a standard action and deals 12d6 damage if it hits.
  • A medium object requires a attack action and deals 6d6 damage if it hits.
  • A small object requires a swift action and deals 2d6 damage if it hits.

The object always takes an equal amount of damage that would have been dealt on impact. Any object that is not very dense (such as a ball of fluff or a ball of linen sheets) will deal either no damage or 1 damage per 1d6 that would have been dealt, up to the DM's discretion.

If a golem overlord throws an animated object, the object may make a free attack against the target.

Powerful Slam (Ex) The golem overlord's slam attacks allow it to make a size-modified strength check against the opponent it hits for a total of +22 to the check. The opponent may add any stability bonuses (such as +4 for being quadrupedal)or size bonuses to their roll. For every 2 points the golem beats its opponent by on the check, the opponent is pushed back 5 feet. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Consume Object (Ex) As a full round action, the golem overlord can consume one of its animated objects that is smaller than itself within its reach to regain hitpoints. It regains 10 hitpoints for a small object, 20 for a medium object, 40 for a large object, or 80 for a huge object. The object counts against the aura of animation for the next 5 rounds, even though it is destroyed.

As the iron colossus stirred, all manner of objects surrounding it began to stir too; all with a single will.

A golem overlord is a powerful monster with dominion over everything that has been manufactured. Objects bend to its will and gain a supernatural ability to move and act.

The overlords themselves are guardians of The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus. Many of these golems are as ancient as the plane itself and were created to force law and dominion over the constructions of mortals. Sometimes these golems will find a way to the material plane and will attempt to rebuild it to be a new part of Mechanus: this generally involves destroying everything in their path and then building new structures.

These golems have an ancient wisdom and are completely sentient. They tend to drive plots to influence the agendas of whoever they might serve in Mechanus.

Strategies and Tactics

The golem overlord fights ruthlessly against opponents by animating nearby objects and either hurling them at an enemy, or sending them directly as minions. Most golem overlords surround themselves with piles of useful objects to animate, such as ropes, curtains, weapons (like spiked chains), wheelbarrows, etc.

Whenever an enemy gets too close, the golem overlord will try to make a slam attack to drive the enemy away and send in animated objects to block charges.

When it has taken a significant portion of damage, it will animate and consume nearby objects to replenish its health.

Note to DMs

This monster is designed as a solo encounter for a level 14-16 party. He's supposed to be tough to kill.

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AuthorAarnott +
Challenge Rating16 +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
NameGolem Overlord +
Rated ByHavvy +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeGargantuan +
SummaryAs the iron colossus stirred, all manner of objects surrounding it began to stir too; all with a single will. +
TitleGolem Overlord +
TypeConstruct +