Canon:Thillonrian Peninsula

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In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, the Thillonrian Peninsula (also known as Rhizia in the Cold Tongue) is a geographical area in the northeastern portion of the Flanaess. A cold, mountainous land, this region is best known for being the home of the nations of the Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians, as well as the nation of Stonehold.

The peninsula is dominated by the Griff-Corusk mountain range, and is surrounded by the Icy Sea and the Solnor Ocean.

The Thillonrian Peninsula in popular culture[edit]

The Thillonrian Peninsula was mentioned by Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report as a location travelled to by his player character, Farynieth.[1]


External links[edit]

There is an article about the Thillonrian Peninsula at the Great Library of Greyhawk.

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