User talk:Tarkisflux/Dabbler in Spellcasting (3.5e Feat)

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No Necromancer?

Title says it all, really. - MisterSinister 04:52, 18 June 2012 (UTC)

Still early, but it seems a tad too powerful for Moderate level

Maybe it's just me, but having a feat with essentially no requirements other than character level 3rd seems a bit too strong. I know it's still in its early inception, but it seems to fit nicely on the Rogue level (particularly if chosen essentially to provide what another class lacks). Even if it is, by nature, half spellcasting (or rather one-fourth spellcasting, as half the amount of spell levels and "half" the amount of spells doesn't usually lead to exactly half the amount of spellcasting; if the character has half-CL then it's one-eighth spellcasting...). It just pings me as too powerful for one feat (unless it's to par with Tome feats, in which case it can range to not at all to just fine).
I presume the limiting factor will be the lists of spells, but I see a natural way to hinder it; split it into 5 feats, in which the requirement is "cast spells of X level" except for the first. Maybe allow the first to grant Spellcraft as a class skill for all your skills, as well. While it may seem a lot of investment, it won't be that much if dealing with Fighters (they get less general feats, but if they only care for Fighter feats they won't notice the change at all.
Another thing that bugs me is how it doesn't work with ALL spellcasting classes rather than a subset of them. Sure, you don't want to give more power to Clerics and Wizards because it's mostly for Dilettantes, but how about existing half-spellcasting classes who get shafted if they multiclass into a more "martial" PrC? Unless you're planning another feat for them (and exclusively for them, though you've mentioned you dislike the idea of half-casting on a class, hence why you see no problems placing it into a feat), they get nothing.
I'll be observing this, though, because it intrigues me how it can fall in line with Dragonmarks and also how it can be developed as per Incarnum feats. That, and how it may open towards a Psionic or Mystery-using form of Dilettante. - T.G. Oskar 05:40, 18 June 2012 (UTC)