User:The Dire Reverend/Joystealer

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[[Image:WHAT‎|thumb|Eve, Joystealer]]


CR 9

Female Joystealer Joystealer 5/Fighter 1, Soul EaterBoVD 3
NE Medium Fey (Sort of Incorporeal)
Init/Senses +XX/Sense Emotions 135 feet; Listen +XX, Spot +XX
Languages Common, possibly others
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 15
(Dex +5, Deflection +5)
hp XX (9 HD); DR 4/Cold Iron
Immune coporeal, nonmagical attacks
Resist 50% miss chance aginst magic weapons and spells
Fort/Ref/Will +8/+11/+8
Speed Fly 30 feet (perfect)
Melee Touch Attack +11 (1d6 Charisma Damage or Drain plus 1 negative level)
Space/Reach 5ft./5ft.
Base Atk/Grp +6/+1/Grapple +6
Special Actions Drain Emotions, Hit a Raw Nerve, Whispers from the Soul, Soul Blast
Abilities Str 11, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 20
SQ Joystealer Body, Figment of Reality, Emotion Dependency, Fey Body, Unheartly Grace, Fey Mysteries, No Hard Feelings, Soul Strength
Feats Alertness, Ghostly GraspLM, Practiced Fighter, Weapon Focus (Joystealer Attack), Weapon Finesse
Skills X
Possessions XX