Valentine (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 10/25/12
Status: Fin
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Time to juggle ethics.

CR 15

Eldritch Horror (3.5e Race)
CE T Aberration
Init/Senses +12/Listen +15, Spot +15
Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal, Sylvan
AC 26, touch 18, flat-footed 20; 50% fortification
hp 124 (8d4+7d6+29 HD)
SR 15
Fort/Ref/Will +7/+15/+31
Speed 30', fly 275’(good)
Melee Trident
Ranged +1Unholy-dagger or
Ranged dart
Space/Reach 5 ft./5’
Base Atk/Grp +8/+3/+0
Combat Gear +1Spell Resistance (15)-Padded Armor, Bag of Holding I, +1Unholy-dagger
Abilities Str 13, Dex 27, Con 17, Int 26, Wis 36, Cha 20
Skills Autohypnosis+33(18r+2sy); Balance+15(5r+2sy); Bluff+10(5r); Concentration+21(18r); Craft(alchemy)+15(7r); Diplomacy+29(18r+6sy); Disguise+25(18r+2sy); Handle Animal+10(5r); Hide+20(4r, 8size); Gather Information+11(4r, 2sy); Jump+8(5r+2sy); Knowledge(arcana)+10(2r), Knowledge(local)+13(5r), Knowledge(nobility and royalty)+13(5r), Knowledge(psionics)+10(2r), Knowledge(religion)+15(7r); Listen+15(2r); Move Silently+12(4r); Ride+26(16r+2sy); Search+10(2r); Sense Motive+18(5r); Speak Language+one more language(2r); Spot+15(2r); Tumble+15(5r, 2sy) (166 total ranks)

Common Tactics

Class Features



Starcatcher Fae (3.5e Monster)

Spells Prepared



Insidious Parasite

Insidious Attributes

  • Believable Dreams: When you use Whispers of Madness on someone, you may affect them as per modify memory instead of making them confused.
  • Skulldweller: As a coup de grace against an opponent two or more sizes larger than you, you can make that opponent take a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half character level + Dexterity modifier), you can burrow into their nervous system, taking control of their body and hiding within them. You can make them do things by spending equivalent actions; they can't choose to do anything on their own while you are within them. Anything that affects the creature has (only) a 50% chance of affecting you as well.
  • Images of Despair: You can imitate the phantasmal killer, silent image, and ghost sound spells at-will, as a caster of your class level.

Aberrant Attribute

  • Horrible Wings: You gain a 20' +5'/character level clumsy fly speed. This improves to average at character level 7, and good at character level 16.
  • Incomprehensible Swooping: Your fly speed increases by 30' +10'/character level and its maneuverability improves by one step.

Dream Sage

Spells Known






  • Morality Test (3.5e Spell): The target will die unless they do something you specify. Or maybe they'll only die if they do that thing. It's hard to know.
  • Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.

Variants used for this NPC:

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