Diplomacy (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Downzorz (talk)
Date Created: 11/18/2012
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling or grammar only, please
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Diplomacy Sphere[edit]

The powers of the Diplomacy sphere assist master negotiators and ambassadors.

Diplomacy [Civilization]

Special: When taking this sphere, you gain the ability to make rushed Diplomacy checks at no penalty.


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AuthorDownzorz +
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUndiscussed +
SpecialWhen taking this sphere, you gain the ability to make rushed Diplomacy checks at no penalty. +
SpellComprehend Languages +, Calm Emotions +, Tongues +, Suggestion +, Charm Monster +, Lesser Planar Ally +, Telepathic Bond +, Mass Suggestion +, Planar Ally + and Demand +
TitleDiplomacy +
TypeCivilization +