Talk:Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Cultures

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If I can grab part of my opponents magic sword for a moment, may I purposely fail the activate blindly check to make it temporarily non-functional?- 13:13, 22 November 2012 (UTC)

Hrm. I had honestly not considered the offensive options of that ability.
As written, you could certainly make a check against a foe's item if you grabbed on and held on for the standard action (or longer) that you needed to activate the item. While I'm fine with intentional failure (though some weak items might have problems getting a failure into that range at high levels) and the activation action cost seems unlikely to happen too often (relegating this to a rare tactic), it brings up an interesting behavior incentive. If you grab an item to contest it (instead of simply disarming, stealing, or sundering it) it may be more beneficial to disable it instead of fight over it. And I don't think that's the sort of behavior I want the ability to encourage. I will probably add a "you must have sole possession of the item to use this ability" rider to the various magic item checks floating around to avoid it. I'd rather have people fight over getting to use an item in these situations than fight to render it inoperable. And I can add a temp disable to devices that doesn't have the numeric problems here if there's a desire to shut items down in a fight. - Tarkisflux Talk 23:55, 22 November 2012 (UTC)
Can I use it to disable cursed items?-- 16:15, 23 November 2012 (UTC)