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Taladas is a continent in the northern hemisphere of Krynn, the fictional world for the Dragonlance setting of the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game.


Taladas is another continent on Krynn, and is located northeast of Ansalon. Taladas was devastated on the same day as Istar by a great hail of fire, which destroyed its main empire and split the earth open. The hail of fire caused the central part of the continent to be swallowed by molten rock in a great cauldron of flame. It is now a sea of lava, known as the Burning Sea or the Lava Sea. The heat burned the lands around Aurim, creating ash and glass as well as spewing poisonous gases that killed many people. The inhabitants of Taladas called this event the Great Destruction. Some areas survived, but were deeply transformed : new mountain ranges appeared and a continent was split into two.

Taladas is home to many of the same races as Ansalon, but their cultures are remarkably different.


Most civilization is concentrated in Southern Hosk, the southwestern part of the continent. The only true empire since Aurim is located here; the powerful Minotaur League, or the Imperial League. South of the League is the kingdom of Thenol, which is currently at war with the League. Thenol is ruled by Trandamere, Bishop of the evil god Hiddukel (called Hiteh or Hith in Taladas), with the aid of huge armies of undeads. A small confederation led by elves, known asArmach, is located near the western coast. Bakali, a race of lizardmen, live in huge swamps covering the southern end of Southern Hosk. Kenders can be found in Southern Hosk but unlike their kindred in Ansalon, they are a suspicious, almost paranoid lot.

Northern Hosk is home to numerous human nomads. It is also home to nomadic elven tribes that are extremely aggressive, as well as goblins who live in the mountains.

Neron, the southeastern part of the continent, is mostly covered by jungle and swamp which is home to wild elves, who have mastered a magic strongly linked to nature, and degenerated mind flayers.

Humans, dwarves, kenders and minotaurs live in peace with each other in the Rainward Isles, northwest of Taladas. However, they are threatened by rampaging undead.

The huge mountain ranges close to the Burning Sea are inhabited by ogres, dwarves, hobgoblins and yeti-like creatures.

The eastern, near-barren parts of the continent are home to Traag draconians, a species of draconians created by the servants of goddess Takhisis, but later dismissed as a failed experiment. Many hobgoblins also live there.

The gnomes are the most advanced civilization of Taladas. They mostly live in citadels close to the Lava Sea, and sail the Burning Sea in metal ships. They often have to battle fire creatures living in the Sea. As opposed to the gnomes found in Ansalon, many of the gnomes in Taladas are quite competent and their creations work as intended.

Sea elves, known as the Dargonesti, live west of Taladas.


Not much is known about the history of Taladas. The powerful empire of Aurim once existed in the eastern part of the continent but was destroyed by the Cataclysm. Its people had to flee west and founded two kingdoms. One was Thenol, the other was later conquered by the minotaurs and became the Imperial League.

Armach was created by a Silvanesti war fleet during the war against the Qualinesti. They were brought to Taladas by a powerful storm. Their ships were destroyed and the elves had to settle there. After some armed conflicts, they eventually formed a confederation with their human neighbors.

Extremely old ruins can be found in several parts of the continent, including the lands of the baskali, Neron and the barren eastern lands. Not all of the ruins come from the empire of Aurim.


The gods are the same as in Ansalon, but are known by different names. Among them are:

  • Astar: The god of elves, a hunter and bowman, Paladine.
  • Erestem: The Queen of Darkness, Takhsis.
  • Gilona: The goddess of knowledge and learning, Gilean.
  • Hith: God of deceit, Hiddukel.
  • Jijin: The god of the Uigan, a warrior and protector, Habbakuk.
  • Jolith: A human war god, Kiri-Jolith.
  • Lunis: The red moon. Lunitari.
  • Manith: A god of contemplation, Zivilyn.
  • Mislaxa: A healing goddess, Mishkal.
  • Morgash: God of sickness and decay, Morgion.
  • Nuvis: The black moon, Nuitari.
  • Sargas: The god of the minotaurs, Sargonnas.
  • Solis: The silver moon, Solinari.
  • Zai: A goddess of seas and storms, Zeboim.

Takhisis (known as Erestem) is worshipped by few. Paladine is almost unknown, although he has a minotaur paladin there. Hiddukel/Hith is the most influential evil god. The priests of Mishakal (known as Mislaxa) are a semi-secret organization. They travel often, bringing their powers of healing to those who need it. Among the neutral gods, the most popular is Shinare, who is worshipped by the merchants of the Minotaur League. Reorx is also worshipped by the gnomes.

Published materials

Unlike Ansalon, the other continent of Krynn, Taladas has been relatively untouched by published materials such as novels and game modules. It is mostly detailed in the boxed set Time of the Dragon and in the supplement Taladas : The Minotaurs.

The events of the computer game Dark Queen of Krynn, released in 1992, happen mostly on Taladas.

The Taladas tilogy written by Chris Pierson includes:
Blades of the Tiger April 5th 2005
Trail of the Black Wyrm April 11th, 2006
Shadow of the Flame June12th, 2006


To learn more about Taladas, read the books Blades of the Tiger and Trail of the Black Wyrm by Chris Pierson.


  •  (2005). Blades of the Tiger: Taladas vol. I. (Wizards of the Coast)
  •  (2006). Trail of the Black Wyrm: Taladas vol. II. (Wizards of the Coast)
  • Taladas in D&D 3rd Edition
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