User:FiddleSticks96/Libris Vampiricus (3.5e Sourcebook)/Chapter 6

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Urn of the Voiceless:

An Urn of the Voiceless is a specially enchanted mixture of unholy water, grave soil, and ash with a minimum volume of half a cubic foot. The mixture is typically stored in a copper or silver urn, but other containers work just as well. Especially wealthy vampires have exquisitely decorated containers of gold or adamantine. The first Urn of the Voiceless was made inside a burial urn, and its magicks quieted the horrible nightmares of its vampire creator, which is how it got this name. A consequence of the enchantment is that the mixture is exceedingly heavy (100lbs, excluding the container).

Any vampire that sleeps within 100ft of an Urn of the Voiceless does not suffer the effects of Grave Dependency, even if it is far away from its grave, and automatically wakes up if a living creature enters this range. Any vampire within 100ft of the urn gains a +4 deflection bonus to its armor class. Living creatures within 100ft of the urn feel an unnatural fear, causing them to suffer a -2 moral penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, and skill checks (no save). The urn continuously emits a Magic Circle against Good in a 100ft radius. This effect cannot be dispelled.

It is dangerous for living creatures to handle an Urn of the Voiceless. The necromantic energy irradiates the container, and the mixture within is poisonous. If a living creature touches the container, it must make a DC 14 Will save or suffer 1d6 damage. This save must be made each round contact is maintained. Using protective gear, such as gloves or covering the container in clothe, is recommended before a living creature touches it. If a living creature inhales or ingests the mixture within the container, it must make a DC 17 Fort save or suffer the effects of Lich Dust.

Do to the exacting nature of its enchantment, wizard/clerics are the most common creators of this item, but a few other class combinations work as well.

Strong abjuration and necromancy; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear;, chill touch;, enervation;, magic circle against good;, sanctuary; creator must be undead, Price 50,000 gp.



Cloak of Nightshroud:

No one knows when these fantastical cloaks were made, who made them, or how they were made, but it is clear that the creator had the benefit of vampires in mind. The creator themself might have been a vampire, or so some sages believe. These cloaks have a feint scent of moonflower unnoticeable to those without an acute sense of smell, suggesting that Liquid Night was a component of their creation. There are seven Cloaks of Nightshroud known to exist, although there may be yet undiscovered cloaks waiting to be found.

A Cloak of Nightshroud appears to be a long thick black cloak complete with hood and sleeves. It has an adamantine clasp in the shape of a claw. It is soft and warm, although vampires cannot appreciate the warmth.

To non-vampires, a Cloak of Nightshroud acts and appears to be nothing more than a Cloak of Resistance +1, and magical detection, such as Identify, will suggest this. Only when a vampire dons the cloak does its true nature reveal itself.

While a vampire wears a Cloak of Nightshroud, it gains the Daywalker template, a +3 enchantment bonus to all saving throws, they lose their Vulnerability to Fire, gain Fire Resistance 20. The cloak can be commanded to magically alter its size, shape, and appearance. It can fit any size, but cannot take the form of anything other than an article of clothing that would be worn around the torso or neck. Some examples of what the form the cloak could to take are an ordinary tunic, an exquisite shirt, or a small hoodless cloak.

The cloak possessing a power enchantment that makes it so that it cannot be forcibly removed from the vampire, it must willingly take it off, and magical compulsion cannot be used to convince the vampire to remove it. Any attempts to forcibly remove it result in the cloak pulling back with an equal amount of force. This never results in harm to the vampire. When it is taken off, it immediately reverts to its true form if it isn’t in it already.

The cloak has Hardness 1 and 50 Hitpoints. The cloak is immune to energy damage. The cloak magically repairs rips, tears, and other damage. If it has less than its full normal hitpoints, it regains 1 hitpoint per round until it has 50 hitpoints again. Despite its resistance to destruction, it can still be destroyed by dealing damage to it faster than it can repair.


The Light of Day: Legends speak of huge vampire armies that once terrorized the living all throughout the world. Fast, strong, cunning, and powerful, these undead creatures from the night seemed invincible. That is, until a cabal of powerful wizard/clerics created The Light of Day. The process of its creation has been lost to the endless ebbs of time, but time has done nothing to erode the power of this ancient weapon, or its undying hatred of vampires.

The Light of Day is a golden hued mace that reflects all light that touches it. When its light is suppressed, it glitters brightly, when its light is active, it radiates as bright as the sun. The Light of Day functions as a medium size +5 heavy mace with the holy, Dread (vampire) (Dread enchantment described in the Epic Level Handbook), and flaming burst enchantments. A vampire that touches, or is struck by, The Light of Day has their current Vitae Score reduced by 1 and must make a DC 27 Will save or lose an additional point of Vitae.

The Light of Day is a golden hued mace that reflects all light that touches it. When its light is suppressed, it glitters brightly, when its light is active, it radiates as bright as the sun. The Light of Day functions as a medium size +5 heavy mace with the holy, Dread (vampire), and flaming burst enchantments. A vampire that touches, or is struck by, The Light of Day has their current Vitae Score reduced by 1 and must make a DC 27 Will save or lose an additional point of Vitae.

Although it is a holy weapon, The Light of Day deals antivampire damage to vampires. A vampire attempting to wield The Light of Day gains 4 negative levels and suffers 2d4 antivampire damage per round as the mace burns its flesh. These negative levels replace the negative level an Evil vampire would gain for wielding the weapon (The Light of Day has the holy enchantment) and cannot be resisted or overcome in anyway, but go away when the vampire discards The Light of Day. These negative levels never result in actual level lost. A vampire with 4 or less HD that attempts to wield The Light of Day is immediately destroyed as though it were disintegrated. Vampires that are slain by The Light of Day are similarly disintegrated.

The Light of Day constantly sheds light as the Daylight spell at caster level 20th. Vampires within this light suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls. There is no saving throw against this penalty. The wielder may resume or suppress this light as a free action at will.

The wielder of The Light of Day may cause the light shed by the mace to become even more brilliant, but only for an instant. This greater brilliance acts as a Maximized Sunburst spell at caster level 20th and may be used 3 times per day. This ability may only be used if The Light of Day is actively shedding light (see above).

Darksun Shield: The Darksun Shield is the sister to The Light of Day. Created along with that mace of legend, it bears powerful protective magicks to aid its wielder in the eternal struggle to rid the multiverse of all vampires.

New Spells

Cleric Spells

3rd Level

Flames of Purity

9th Level

Wrath of Arkay

Ranger Spells

Druid Spells

4th Level

Flames of Purity


4th Level

Flames of Purity

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

9th Level

Rite of Ageless Blood

Spell Descriptions

Flames of Purity
Evocation [Good]
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 4, Paladin 4, Vampire Hunter Domain 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex for half damage
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a shout of acclamation, you spread out your hand and immolate your foes with holy fire. This spell releases a bolt of red-hot fire that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6 damage per level (max 10d6) to everything caught in the area. Against undead, this spell deals 1d8 damage per level (max 10d8). It also ignores the first 20 points of Fire Resistance of an undead creature. Undead creatures immune to fire damage take half the normal fire damage dealt. Undead with the Fire Subtype take ¼ the normal fire damage dealt. Half the damage caused by this spell is holy damage, the other half is fire damage.

Rite of Ageless Blood
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting time: 24hrs
Range: Personal or Touch
Target: One vampire
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No

By performing a long and arduous ritual, you can draw forth the very essence of vampiric Vitae into an emerald. While within the emerald, the essence is saturated with powerful unholy energies, and then poured back into the vampire. The end result is that the vampire’s Generation is permanently decreased by 1. The vampire thereafter receives all the benefits of its new Generation. This spell has no effect on vampires of 1st Generation.

The reverse of this spell “Curse of Thinning Blood” has the opposite effect. Powerful vampire wizards will sometimes use this spell one or more times on a rival vampire, rather than outright destroying them. Curse of Thinning Blood dilutes the potency of the vampire’s essence, resulting in a permanent increase in the vampire’s Generation by 1. This effect is irreversible, but can be countered by effects that decrease Generation, such as the casting of the normal version of this spell. Typically, a vampire does NOT want to be the target of this spell, and must be restrained for the duration of the ritual. This is typically done by staking. Curse of Thinning Blood allows the same Will save, but unlike Rite of Ageless Blood, it is not harmless.

Material Component: Herds, oils, and incense worth at least 1,000gp. A worked emerald of flawless quality that is worth at least 10,000gp. The magic of the ritual turns the emerald to dust, regardless of whether or not the ritual was completed.

XP Cost: Casting this spell costs 5,000 XP. The reverse of this spell only costs 1,000 XP.

Wrath of Arkay
Evocation [Good]
Level: Clreic 9, Vampire Hunter Domain 9
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: 100-ft.-radius/level downpour of energy
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No

This mighty spell calls down the divine wrath of Arkay, the Overdeity of Life and Death, on his sworn enemy, the undead. Undead casters cannot cast this spell by any means. Once cast, a mighty downpour of thin purple energy beams bombards the area affected by the spell. This energy is harmless to everything except undead creatures.

Undead creatures caught within this spell suffer 10d6 damage per round. This damage comes directly from a divine source, and therefore cannot be resisted by any mortal means. Vampires treat this damage as anti-vampire damage for all intents and purposes, although it still cannot be resisted by any mortal means. Arkay despises Purebloods more than any other form of undead, and his spite is made very clear to Purebloods caught in this spell. Purebloods suffer maximum damage from this spell. Undead slain by a Wrath of Arkay spell are also disintegrated.

Arcane Material Component: A worked amethyst worth at least 1,000 gp.

XP Cost: The power of this spell taps directly into Arkay’s divine power. The strain of doing this permanently drains the caster of 1,000 XP.