Duck (4e Race)

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Author: [[User:|]] ([[User talk:|talk]])
Date Created: 10-07-2013
Status: Semi-Complete (Weapons WIP).
Editing: Don't
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Racial Traits
Average Height: 0'6"-2'0"
Average Weight: 5-14 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
Size: Tiny
Speed: Ground 4, Swim 5, Fly 7(Altitude Limit 2) squares
Vision: Low-Light Vision
Languages: Common, Duck
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature
Tiny Wings: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.
South for the Winter: You automatically know where south is. You don't need to make a Nature check to determine direction as long as that direction is south.
Flock Mentality: You gain a +2 to Will while adjacent to two or more allies.
Sharp Beak: You have Proficiency with all Bill weapons.
Water Fowl: You gain a +5 to Endurance checks against drowning.
Duck Hands: You gain the Duckify power.
Duck Racial Power
With the power of the ancient mallards of Duckworld, you touch an object distort its size and shape to become duck-worthy.
Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One object that is sized for a Medium or Small creature, is not inside a container, does not contain anything, and is not held, worn, or carried by anyone other than you.
Effect: The target shrinks to a size appropriate for a Tiny creature’s use. The new size ends at the end of your next extended rest unless the shrunken target is on your person. The size also ends if you or another pixie uses this power on the shrunken target. While shrunk, the target keeps its game statistics, such as damage dice and weight. A shrunken weapon, however, becomes an improvised one-handed weapon for a non-Tiny creature.

Play a Duck if you want...

  • To be a duck.
  • To have feathers and quack alot.
  • To confuse your friends.
  • Did I mention you're a duck?
  • To be a member of a race that favors the assassin, druid, and ranger classes.

Physical Qualities

The overall body plan of ducks is elongated and broad, and the ducks are also relatively long-necked, albeit not as long-necked as the geese and swans. The body shape of diving ducks varies somewhat from this in being more rounded. The bill is usually broad and contains serrated lamellae, which are particularly well defined in the filter-feeding species. In the case of some fishing species the bill is long and strongly serrated. The scaled legs are strong and well developed, and generally set far back on the body, more so in the highly aquatic species. The wings are very strong and are generally short and pointed, and the flight of ducks requires fast continuous strokes, requiring in turn strong wing muscles.

Playing a Duck

Quacking is often encouraged in duck culture. In fact, a duck that does not quack is often banished from the duck tribe. Ducks typically are not expected to do much but when a duck finds itself in a situation where it needs to defend itself or its people it will strike with the swiftness of a...well, the swiftness of a duck.

Duck Characteristics: Agile, lighthearted, fun-loving, quack-tastic

Male Names: Howard, Daffy, Donald, Huey, Dewey, Louie Female Names: Daisy, Felicia, Mallory, Tanya, Jenna, Tina

Duck Adventurers

Three sample Duck adventurers are described below.

  • Gary is a duck fighter. He was waddling a bit farther than usually from the pond one day and stumbled upon an abandoned battleaxe. He picked it and from that day forth Gary could not get enough of the warrior life-style. Random duels in the middle of the streets. Brawls in the darkest of taverns. And slaying dragons by the dozens in ancient dungeons.
  • Lucile is a duck rogue. She was raised on a duck farm to steal from unsuspecting old people feeding ducks at ponds. Her skills became so good that she eventually snuck away from her owner and started a life of a thief. She can steal anything for the right price, and all that she leaves behind is a single unassuming feather.
  • Tim is duck ranger. He is a beastmaster with a wolf companion......he WAS a beastmaster with a wolf companion....R.I.P. Tim. He was later resurrected and now obeys a necromancer occasionally.

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Facts about "Duck (4e Race)"
Identifier4e Race +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryMoo! +
TitleDuck +