Champion's Might (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers

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Accursed Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Invoking its divine judgment, you plead to your god to curse your foe for all eternity.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a Will save with a DC equal to 13 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or suffer a permanent -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks, in addition to the normal effects of a smite.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Avenging Oath
Champion's Might (Counter)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
As you receive your enemy’s successful attack, you utter a small oath to the powers that be, to respond the slight with divine wrath.

As an immediate action when receiving a melee attack, you regain a use of your smite ability that you have expended, which lasts until the end of the current encounter.

Avenging Strike
Champion's Might (Counter)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
You do not suffer your foes to live. When an enemy has an opening in its defenses, you pray to your deity to grant you the reflexes to strike.

As an immediate action, you may expend a daily use of smite to make an attack of opportunity against an enemy, even if you have expended all attacks of opportunity during the round. You add your Charisma modifier to your attack roll and you deal an extra amount of damage based on your smite.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Baneful Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
By calling the name of the dark gods, you unleash a potent strike that fills your enemies with fear and doubt.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a Will save with a DC equal to 11 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects, as if under the effect of a bane spell, in addition to the normal effects of a smite.

A baneful smite dispels the bless spell if your foe has it. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Blessed Smite
Champion's Might (Strike) [see text]
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature

Invoking a prayer to the gods, you beseech their blessing to strike true.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. Choose one alignment component: chaos, evil, good or law (unless the smite already has an alignment component, such as smite evil). If the attack succeeds, it deals an extra 1d6 points of damage in addition to all of the normal effects of the smite against a creature of an alignment opposite the one chosen. If the attack roll is a critical threat, it automatically succeeds. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Blinding Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/4 levels
Saving Throw: Will negates
As you unleash divine judgment, a blinding flash of light surges through your weapon.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a Will save with a DC equal to 13 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or become blinded for 1 round, plus 1 round for every four initiator levels (2 rounds at 5th, 3 rounds at 9th, and so on), in addition to the normal benefits of a smite.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Dazing Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/4 levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
You invoke the power of the gods when making your attack, striking the creature’s head with its might. The force of the attack halts the creature in its tracks.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 12 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or become dazed for 1 round, plus 1 round for every four initiator levels (2 rounds at 5th, 3 rounds at 9th, and so on), in addition to the normal benefits of a smite.

Destructive Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver; smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Invoking a prayer to the gods, you beseech them to empower your strike with divine fury.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack succeeds, your smite deals double damage (only your weapon damage, and any static improvement to damage such as that from your Strength modifier or your extra smite damage, is doubled), plus an extra 3d6 points of damage. If the attack roll is a critical threat, it automatically succeeds.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Disrupting Strike
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, turn undead class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
As you strike, you channel a massive surge of positive energy through the weapon that purifies the flesh of the dead.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must expend a daily use of turn undead. If you succeed on an attack against an undead creature, the target must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 18 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or die instantly. A successful saving throw instead deals 10d6 points of damage.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Divine Conviction
Champion's Might (Stance)
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Three Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Briefly meditating upon the intimate connection between you and the divine powers, you draw strength of arm. Each strike you make feels like if the gods themselves landed the blow.

While you are in this stance, all attacks you make deal extra damage as if making a smite. Only the damage dealt by means of class levels is added; you are not considered as if making a smite with each attack.

Empowering Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
As you make a strike against your enemy, you unleash a prayer to the gods to grant a second wind to your allies.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If your attack hits, you and all allies within 30 ft. are healed of an amount of damage equal to the extra damage from your smite. The target still suffers damage from the smite. If a feat, magic item or special ability increases the damage of your smite (such as the martial faith stance), the amount of healing provided also increases. If the attack is a critical hit, the amount of healing doubles.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Exploding Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Area: 30-ft. radius burst, centered on target creature
Saving Throw: Reflex half
By invoking the name of your god triumphant, you plead it to unleash divine judgment upon all your opponents.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, all opponents within 30 ft. of the creature take damage equal to the extra damage dealt by the smite. A successful Reflex save halves that damage.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Final Judgment
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 9
Prerequisite: Four Champion’s Might maneuver, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Before you make your attack, you speak the sins your opponent has committed against your deity. You invoke the name of your deity and request to pass its final judgment upon your enemy.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save with a DC of 19 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or die instantly. If the creature succeeds on the save, it nevertheless takes the effect of the smite, plus an extra 10d6 points of damage.

Glorious Weapons
Champion's Might (Boost) [Evil or Good]
Level: 2
Prerequisite: Turn or rebuke undead class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
You channel positive or negative energy through your weapon and temper it with the purest essence of alignment.

You imbue your weapon with holy or unholy energy for a brief moment. Until the beginning of your next turn, your weapon is treated as if having the holy or unholy special quality, allowing it to bypass the damage reduction of certain creatures and dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of a specific alignment.

Martial Faith
Champion's Might (Stance)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

You utter a small prayer to the gods of war, pleading to intercede with their might as you make an attack.

While you are in this stance, whenever you make a successful smite, you add your initiator level to the damage.

Martial Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 3
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Drawing from the divine power that empowers your attacks, you make a mighty physical attack.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must make a melee attack. If your attack hits, you deal extra damage based on the amount of damage you would otherwise deal with your smite. This maneuver is not considered a smite by any means, and thus you may not benefit from any ability that would modify or empower a smite. This maneuver attacks all creatures regardless of alignment.

Necrotic Blade
Champion's Might (Boost)
Level: 7
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, rebuke undead class feature.
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
By channeling negative energy through your weapon, the wounds it causes worsen.

You imbue your weapon with negative energy for a brief moment. Until the beginning of your next turn, all attacks you make deal extra negative energy damage equal to your rebuking damage.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Purifying Strike
Champion's Might (Boost)
Level: 4
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver, turning class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 turn
You imbue your weapon with positive energy, turning it into the bane of undead creatures.

You imbue your weapon with the same positive energy that allows you to turn away or destroy undead. Expend a turn undead (or similar turning ability) as you execute this maneuver. Until the end of your current turn, all attacks you make against undead creatures (or creatures that would be otherwise turned; for example, expending a daily use of your turning ability gained by means of the Earth domain affects all attacks dealt against creatures with the air subtype) gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to your turning check bonus, and you deal extra damage equal to your turning damage.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Sacrificial Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 6
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
By uttering a desperate prayer to the gods, you offer your own life, if necessary, to eradicate your opponent.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack succeeds, you may sacrifice your hit points to deal extra damage: for every five hit points you sacrifice, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage (to a maximum of 1d6 points of damage per two initiator levels).

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Sealed Judgment
Champion's Might (Stance)
Level: 1
Prerequisite: Smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

With a small prayer, you plead your deity for its intercession when delivering its judgment. In your words, you ask that the deity’s judgment becomes certain.

While you are in this stance, you do not lose your smite attempts for the day whenever you fail to strike your foe. This includes failures due to a low attack roll, concealment and other kinds of miss chances, or incompatible alignment (in the case of smite evil and smite good).

Sigil of Judgment
Champion's Might (Stance)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: One Champion’s Might maneuver, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Uttering a small prayer, you plead the powers that be to mark the opponent with a sigil, which serves as a conduit to divine wrath.

While you are in this stance, any time you make a successful smite attempt, the target is marked by the sigil of judgment. All attacks made by you against the creature gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to its Charisma modifier, and deals extra damage based on its smite; in effect, you make a smite with every attack done against the target. The sigil of judgment lasts for one round, plus one round for every four initiator levels (3 at IL 9th, 4 at IL 13th, and so on).

This stance is a supernatural ability.

Smite of Divine Wrath
Champion's Might (Strike) [see text]
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Three Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Area: 30-ft. radius burst centered on target creature.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will partial
With a small prayer, you clamor the justice of your deity befall upon your opponents. The power of your deity detonates from your weapon, searing all heretics.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must expend a smite. You must choose an alignment component before executing the maneuver, unless the smite already has an alignment component (such as smite evil or smite good) or affects only specific creatures. If the attack hits, all opponents of the opposite alignment within 30 ft. of the creature take damage equal to double the extra damage of the smite, and take a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class and saving throws for 1 round per initiator level. A successful Will save against a DC of 18 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) halves the damage and negates the penalty.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

Stunning Smite
Champion's Might (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Two Champion’s Might maneuvers, smite class feature
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/4 levels
Saving Throw: Will negates
You invoke the power of the gods when making your attack, striking the creature’s head with its might. The force of the attack halts the creature in its tracks.

As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a Will save with a DC equal to 15 + your Strength or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher) or become stunned for 1 round, plus 1 round per four initiator levels, in addition to the normal benefits of a smite.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.