for(int i=0; i<(i+1); i++){if(ruleOfCool==1){beHappy();}else{printf(":[\t")}}[edit]
Hoi there. I'm a special snowflake who will melt in hell. I enjoy League of Legends, game development, the Rule of Cool, and running grey and grey morality campaigns with a touch of body horror and sanity loss. I like monsters, lakes, and light ecchi.
Sometimes I add the bizarre nonsense I use in my own setting/campaigns to this wiki. Some people like them, some people don't. That's okay. Usually I just fix broken links and correct spelling.
Fell Animate: Use your turn attempts to kill people so hard, they become undead.
Cystic Magic: Your spells are pretty biznasty, what with their giving people magic cancer and all.
Alraune Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)
Formweaver (3.5e Class)
Powers and Spells?![edit]
Variant Rules and the Like...[edit]
Strain-Based Psionics (3.5e Variant Rule)
Strain Cost Lists & Spell Fatigue Saves (3.5e Other)