Dedicated Lover (3.5e Template)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 5 March
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Dedicated Lover[edit]

Love conquers all, dedicated lovers are a pair of creatures whose affection make them stronger together. However at a risk, if the pair is separated, both would suffer, and if one should die, the situation becomes dire.

Creating a Dedicated Lover[edit]

Dedicated Lover is an acquired template that can be added to any sentient creature capable of feeling emotions (can gain moral bonuses or take moral penalties). Unlike a normal template, it must be added to two creatures (or more, but that could create complications) at the same time. Both creature will be referenced as a 'lover pair', while the other dedicated lover part of the pair will be referenced as the lover.

A creature with the dedicated lover template gains the following abilities:

Ability Scores: As the base creature.

Size and Type: As the base creature.

Saving Throws: A dedicated lover gains a +1 moral bonus on saving throws while within 30 feat of her lover.

Assistance: Whenever a love pair uses aid another on each other, increase the bonus granted by aid another to +4.

Strong Heart: A dedicated lover gain a +4 moral bonus against all mind-affecting effects while her lover is within line of sight. If her lover is unconscious or dying she become immune to fear.

Undying Pair: A dedicated lover gain the benefits of the diehard feat as long as her lover is alive or thinks her lover is still alive.

Emotional Dependency: If a dedicated lover spends more than 24 hours away from her lover, she takes a -1 moral penalty on all d20 rolls. This penalty increases to -2 after one week and -3 after one month. For each year the dedicated lover does not see her lover, she must make a DC 10 will save or die from sadness.

Heartbreak: If a dedicated lover sees her lover die she automatically falls under a rage effect (as the spell) for 1 hour, after which she take a –4 moral penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls until her love is either resurrected or she manages to move on. Each week the dedicated lover may attempt a DC 20 will save, by which if she succeeds she successfully moves and loses this template. If unsuccessful on this check for more than a month, she must attempt a DC 15 Will save or die from despair from losing her lover.

LA: +0

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AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment0 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryLove conquers all, dedicated lovers are a pair of creatures whose affection make them stronger together. However at a risk, if the pair is separated, both would suffer, and if one should die, the situation becomes dire. +
TitleDedicated Lover +