Talk:Sword Sharp (5e Campaign Setting)/Races
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< Talk:Sword Sharp (5e Campaign Setting)
Revision as of 22:45, 31 May 2016 by XX the memenist Xx (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Survey == Hey guys I just wanted to ask you a question. Recently I have read a book on mythical monsters from cultures around the world and one of them is a humanoid with...")
Hey guys I just wanted to ask you a question. Recently I have read a book on mythical monsters from cultures around the world and one of them is a humanoid with the lower part of the body being that of a taruntulas and I think I might include it in the list races. I want your opinion onion you want this race to exist or not
xX the memenist Xx 22:45, 31 May 2016 (UTC)