Hanabusa Genosuke (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Ethereal1111 (talk)
Date Created: 04 September 2015
Status: In Progress
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His sword is like the winter wind... It slices you as it blows by.
Arato Ryukyun, the late and honorable samurai.
"Had you been wise, you would not have even thought of it."

Hanabusa Genosuke

CR 20

Male Aasimar Diamond Mind Tenken 20 (augmented)
CN Medium Outsider (Native, Psionic)
Init/Senses +13/darkvision 60ft; Listen 22, Spot 22
Languages Common, Goblin, High, Undercommon.
AC 36, touch 28, flat-footed 28
(+8 dexterity, +8 shield, +10 dodge)
hp 141 (20d8 HD); +40
Resist resistance 5 to acid, cold, and electricity
Fort/Ref/Will +8/+23/+11
Speed 130 ft.
Melee Kusanagi +20/+20 (2d8+8 15-20, x4) or
Melee full attack +20/+20/+15/+10/+5 (2d8+8 15-20, x4) or
Melee Kenjutsu +20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+10/+5 (2d8+8 15-20, x4) or
Melee Hitokiri strike +20 (2d8+8 15-20, x4) plus 110 points damage
Ranged Dart +20 (1d4+3)
Space/Reach 5ft./5ft.
Base Atk/Grp +20/+23
Atk Options Hitokiri (110 points damage), Kenjutsu, Terminal Velocity, Unseen Blade.
Special Actions Manuevers (IL 20th): Initiates maneuvers from the Diamond Mind martial discipline. Genosuke can ready 7 maneuvers.
Combat Gear Kusanagi (mw) with a dart hidden in scabbard.
Abilities Str 16 (+3), Dex 26 (+8), Con 14 (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 15 (+2)
SQ Acrobatics, Astra, Daredevil, Evasion, First Strike, Habatobi, Haste, Hitokiri, Improved Evasion, Improved Quickstep, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Kenjutsu Master, Life on the Edge, Quickstep, Reduced Earth, Shinsoke, Shukuchi, Slice & Dice, Sprinter, Superior Finesse, Surehanded, Sword of Heaven, Ten Nagashi Uke, Terminal Velocity, Unbound, Uncanny Dodge, Unseen Blade.
Feats Combat Expertise (9th), Improved Initiative (6th), Psionic Meditation (18th), Sublime Inspired (1st), Superior Expertise (12th), Weapon Focus (katana 3rd), Wild Talent (15th).
Skills Autohypnosis +15 (10r, cc), Balance +40 (10r), Climb +14 (11r), Concentration +25 (23r), Heal +10 (5r), Jump +35 (10r), Knowledge (Local) +19 (1r, cc), Knowledge (Nature) +23 (5r, cc), Listen +22 (5r, cc), Martial Lore +20 (17r), Sense Motive +20 (5r, cc), Spot +22 (5r, cc), Survival +11 (6r), Swim +11 (8r), Tumble +40 (10r).


Genosuke always uses the Superior Expertise feat in combat which gives him a +9 dodge bonus to AC in addition to another +1 from being permanently hasted by the Shinsoke class feature; this also gives him an additional attack. According to campaign mechanics Genosuke is proficient an exotic weapon [bastard sword]. All damage done with his katana is calculated using the starting Bastard Sword stats (since a katana is just a masterwork bastard sword in the campaign). However, at 15th level, he took the Hashimoto Katana Kusanagi after winning an iaijutsu duel. This sword's attributes stack with Genosuke's Life on the Edge class feature.

Honor Score: 15.

Kusanagi (mw): Hashimoto Katana with a carbon fiber Weapon Cord (hardness 10 and 10 hp.), and a hidden dart in the scabbard market price: (3,635 g.p., 3 lb.).

Maneuvers Readied (Ex): Crystal Intuition* (boost), Diamond Deflection (counter), Emerald Razor (strike), Mind Strike (strike), Mind Over Body (counter), Moment of Perfect Mind (counter), Pearl of Black Doubt (stance), Stance of Alacrity (stance). *Martial Study feat, does not count towards total readied maneuvers, but cannot be recovered.

Unseen Blade (Ex): As free actions or as part of any attack action, Genosuke can draw and sheathe his weapon (clean of any blood). This augment replaces the Bladewind class feature.


Born the second son of Hanabusa Akira, twin brother of the daimyo Hanabusa Daiki, Hanabusa Genosuke had virtually no prospects of life in court and had no desire. Having the opportunity to learn from the dueling masters of the clan however, Genosuke learned all he could form them and demonstrated remarkable talent. A few years after his gempukku he asked his master for permission to become ronin and pursue a pilgrimage test his skill and that of self-reflection. After being granted his request, Genosuke set out accepting any honorable challenge to test his skill. His most famous was a duel with an arrogant samurai of the Ota clan, Arato Ryukyun. Whose sword, named Kusanagi, is a highly coveted blade made of an esoteric alloy crafted only by the Hashimoto clan. It was this sword which was taken by Genosuke after killing Ryukyun in an iaijutsu duel. Since then, members of the entire Ota clan feel honor-bound to return this blade to its rightful clan. This has only furthered tensions between the Yokokiyo and Ota clans.

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AuthorEthereal1111 +
Challenge Rating20 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameHanabusa Genosuke +
RaceAasimar +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA modified character played in the Empire of the Rising Sun Campaign and released as an NPC. +
TitleHanabusa Genosuke +
TypeOutsider (Native, Psionic) +