Plaguehive (3.5e Template)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-11-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Those afflicted with a incredibly severe case of fiendish disease usually simply die, but a rare unfortunate few not only survive, but come out tougher and yet more rotten for it. The exact disease which causes plaguehive syndrome is not known, and it is believed to be a curse or some strange combination of multiple diseases working in unison. It transforms its victim into a putrid mess of slime, rotting skin, pus, blisters, deformities, and other horrible symptoms. Yet in spite of their transformation their body does not die and instead shambles in endless torment, its only rush of relief found in the adrenaline rush of violence and the giving in to the demonic voices inside them.

Creating a Plaguehive

This is an acquired template which can be applied to any corporeal living creature.


The creatures movement speeds decrease by -10 ft (minimum 5 ft).

Armor Class

The plaguehive creature gains +2 natural armor (treat not having natural armor as 0).

Special Attacks

Poison (Ex): Choose a contact or injury poison with a DC of 12 + 1/2 CR + Constitution modifier or less. This poison is naturally produced in the creature and can be applied to a single one of their attacks as a swift action. The DC is what the poison normally has. When the plaguehive creature levels up it may change out its poison as needed.

Special Qualities

Broken Mind (Ex): The plaguehive creature is constantly being assaulted by its disease, and this mental assault also wears away any attempts at mental control. They gain a rogue's slippery mind ability. If they are affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails their saving throw, they can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Each day they must make a DC 5 Will save, or be rendered mindless and broken. Their Int drops to - and they gain the mindless immunities. They retain skills and feats but are incapable of growth, and are reduced to little more than a zombie-like state whose only desire seems to be spreading their poison and disease on non-plaguehive creatures. A plaguehive creature which is somehow cured of this template must still restore their mind once their mind is broken, requiring limited wish or greater abilities.

Death Throes (Ex): When a plaguehive creature dies it detonates in a cloud of poison spores and fluids out to its reach. All creatures within range are subjected to 1 point of acid damage per CR (no save for the damage), its poison ability, and its disease cloud ability whose disease has an immediate onset. This destroys the body of the plaguehive creature, and stains the ground permanently in its square to have the last disease it released. Only vigorous disinfectant or at least 50 points of fire damage in the area can disinfect the stained ground.

Disease Cloud (Ex): Plaguehive creatures are immune to but still carriers for disease. They then emit an ever-present thin spore cloud about their bodies extending out 5 ft from them which acts as a transmission method for their diseases (regardless what the previous transmission method was). Creatures within this aura must make a Fortitude save, DC equal to the DC of the disease, or fall ill with the disease. Fortunately only one disease may be transmitted at a time, though a random different disease may occur next round. For the generic plaguehive creature just use the contagion disease list. Unlike the spell, the disease has an incubation time though said incubation time is reduced to its minimal result.

Mindless plaguehive creatures seek out new diseases, adding them to their ever growing arsenal.

DR/silver (Ex): The plaguehive has DR/silver equal to half its CR.

Immunities: Plaguehives are immune to disease, but still act as carriers. They are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks, petrification, poison, polymorphing, and stunning.

Impossible Toughness (Ex): The plaguehive always gains maximum hp per HD, and then doubles their base hp. You also gain 2 hp/level, canceling losses due to Constitution decreasing.

Swarmfriend (Ex): Unless attacked by the plaguehive or specifically directed to attack by another, vermin and swarms ignore plaguehives as they consider them allies. In fact, plaguehives tend to naturally attract the attention of swarms and can host a swarm of a CR 3/4 the plaguehive's CR or less inside its many open weeping pores. When the plaguehive is threatened the swarm will often awaken and defend its host. If the swarm dies, a new one will be attracted after 1d4 days. Plaguehives are host to only a single swarm at a time, and the swarm can take total cover or leave the inside of the plaguehive as a move action.

Swarms gained via this ability are immune to the plaguehive's poison and disease abilities.


Str -4, Dex -4, Con -4, Int -4, Wis -4, Cha -4.


Gain Raw Toughness as a bonus feat.

Gain two Deformity feats, ignoring Willing DeformityBoVD as a requirement.

Gain two Flaws with no bonus feats.





Challenge Rating



As base creature.


As base creature.


As base creature.

Level Adjustment


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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5640 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
CR0 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment- +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryThose afflicted with a incredibly severe case of fiendish disease usually simply die, but a rare unfortunate few not only survive, but come out tougher and yet more rotten for it. +
TitlePlaguehive +