Greater Succubus (3.5e Bloodline)

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Author: LRimus (talk)
Date Created: 12th February 2018
Status: Complete
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A character with a Greater Succubus demon bloodline has one or more ancestors of demonic origin.

Beautiful, suggestive and charming, that's all you've got from your demonic ancestor, but is it truly all of it? You soon discover that it was just the start of it.

Bloodline Traits Gained

LVL Minor Intermediate Major
1 Bluff +2
2 Bluff +2 Telepathy (Su)
3 Charisma +1
4 Bluff +2 Telepathy (Su) Delicious Kiss (Su)
5 Demon Affinity +2
6 Charisma +1 Darkvision (Su)
7 Diplomacy +2
8 Telepathy (Su) Delicious Kiss (Su) Suggestive Kiss (Su)
9 Intelligence +1
10 Demon Affinity +2 Charm Monster (at will)
11 Demon Affinity +4
12 Charisma +1 Darkvision (Su) Lust (Su)
13 Sense Motive +2
14 Diplomacy +2 Draining Kiss (Su)
15 Dexterity +1
16 Delicious Kiss (Su) Suggestive Kiss (Su) Alternate Form (Su)
17 Demon Afiinity +6
18 Intelligence +1 Loving Caress (Su)
19 Gather Information +2
20 Demon Affinity +2 Charm Monster (at will) Deadly Kiss (Su)

Bloodline Traits Descriptions

Demon Affinity: You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with demons.

Telepathy (Su): You can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. You must use the highest Telepathy range instead of adding to your existing range or add on this one.

Darkvision (Su): You gain Darkvision 60 ft. This bonus adds to any existing range you have, or will have.

Delicious Kiss (Su): You may use this ability when kissing, or during any other act of passion with the victim of opposite gender. If the target is not willing to be kissed, he/she must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The victim is dazed for 1 round, the individual with the Greater Succubus bloodline is treated as though he/she has just consumed a good meal. The victim feels as though the experience was highly pleasurable, but is not under any supernatural compulsion to allow another kiss.

Suggestive Kiss (Su): Your kisses now may contain the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another kiss from him/her. The save DC is (15+Cha bonus) Will to negate the effects of suggestion.

Draining Kiss (Su): Now you may apply the effects of a succubus Energy Drain with your kisses or another acts of passion. The victim must save or gain one negative level. The victim must succeed at a Wisdom check DC (7+Cha bonus) to even notice. The save DC is (15+Cha bonus) Fortitude to remove the negative levels.

Deadly Kiss (Su): You may choose to either paralyze your victim for 1/minute per Caster level, or slay them instantly. For either it is a (15+Cha bonus) Fortitude save. You may only use this ability 3 times per day.

Lust (Su): Your touch can incite overwhelming lust in any corporeal living creature of opposite gender. The victim must make a DC (20+Cha bonus) Will save or suffer a -20 penalty on grapple checks against you.

Loving Caress (Su): Your caress will charm any creature of opposite gender for 1d3 hours. After this time that mortal will be enamored with you permanently. A will save DC (20+Cha bonus) negates this ability. You can have only (10+Cha bonus) creatures so charmed at any given time. Dispel magic has no effect on a victim, though break enchantment frees him/her. (Treat yours caster level as your character level for this purpose)

Alternate Form (Su): You can assume any humanoid form of Small, Medium or Large size of your gender as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only humanoid forms. While using this ability, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.

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AuthorLRimus +
Identifier3.5e Bloodline +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA character with a Greater Succubus demon bloodline has one or more ancestors of demonic origin. +
TitleGreater Succubus +