Style (3.5e Feat Type)

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[Style] Feat Type[edit]

A style of feats which allow a character to perform various deeds when equipped with particular weapons.. These feats are usually found in Complete Warrior and Races of Stone.


Style Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Boardshield Style Attacks and trample enemies while shieldsurfing. BAB +4, Balance or Tumble 6 ranks, Shieldsurfing and Improved Shieldsurfing Moderate
Excavator Style A combat technique that allows a warrior to use terrain at its advantage BAB +3, Weapon Focus (combat spade or combat shovel) High
Grappling Hook Style You can use a spiked chain to start grapples and may even use it to move. Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Use Rope 5 Ranks High
Gyakukaiten Stance Learn advanced defense with nunchaku in battle. BAB +4, Weapon Focus (Nunchaku) Moderate
Hammer & Nail Style You can wield a spear and warhammer together with minimal encumbrance. You strike with increased damage after striking an opponent with a warhammer after hitting an opponent with a spear. Two-Weapon Fighting Moderate
Harvest Season Reap and cut enemies like crops. BAB +10, Harvesting Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting Very High
Huēyitepōl Mihcalini Become a Brave Warrior using a wood sword. BaB 6+, Weapon Focus (Macuahuitl) OR Weapon Focus (Great Macuahuitl) Moderate
Ikkaiten Stance Learn basic uses of nunchaku in battle. BAB +2, Weapon Focus (Nunchaku) Moderate
Nomad's Style The style of a wandering master, who needed to overcome obstacles while relying on a single weapon. Weapon Focus (any weapon) Moderate
Swift Parrying Jian This style feat grants several benefits when using a longsword in one hand and nothing in the other. Weapon Focus (Longsword) High
Way of the Pebble Become a master of stone-tossing, gaining multiple options in combat BAB +6 or Sleight of Hand 9 ranks, Boulder Hurl, Rock Thrower and Stone Shower High
Whipping Flail Style You can use your flail as if it were a whip. BAB +3, Weapon Focus (Flail) High

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SummaryA style of feats which allow a character to perform various deeds when equipped with particular weapons.. +