Godseer (3.5e Class)/Visions

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Fluff and rule text


Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.
—Genesis 6:17

The Gods has warned the Warseer of an incoming deluge of catastrophic proportions, the parts the Warseer has to play in the event leading to and after the deluge are often vague. Some Warseer try to prevent it, if unable save as much as possible, while others are to preach the words of the Gods until the time come. In some case, the Gods sent the deluge to wipe out the unrighteous and the Warseer is to prevent rescue efforts, or at least make the unrighteous know what is coming and why it coming. In any case a Warseer with the Deluge Vision gain several ability which allow her to warn allies, warn enemies and call upon the incoming catastrophe in her abilities.

Initial Ability

Dire Warning (Ex): The Warseer is capable of making a chilling warning of the future, especially to those opposing her. She gain the ability to demoralize opponent against all hostile creatures within 30 feet, making them At Bay from her for 1 round instead of it normal effect.


Bless Destruction (Su): The Warseer gain the ability to decree that an object or creature must be destroyed by the will of the Gods as a swift action. For the next round the creature or object is dealt damage as if it didn't have DR, Regeneration or Hardness. This does not allow the destruction of otherwise indestructible objects, such as artifact nor doe sot affect the Cave Demon Crab. The Warseer must be 6th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Destructive Spells (Ex): By calling upon the Vision of the Deluge, the Warseer is capable of spontaneously casting an Evocation spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list by spending a spell slot of the same level. The spell must not have the [Force] descriptor and must deal damage. The Warseer may use this ability a number of time per day equal to 2 + her Charisma modifier.

End-time Preaching (Ex): The Warseer is capable of bringing crowd to their feet with her tales of the coming end. She may make a mass Intimidate checks against all creatures within earshot who can see the Warseer to adjust their attitude. Unlike a normal Intimidate this does not function on creature whose CR is not at least 2 below the Warseer. The affected creatures keep their new attitude toward the Warseer indefinitely, or until they cease believing the coming deluge, at which point their attitude worsen as normal.

Forewarning (Su): The Warseer may as an immediate action warn an ally of the danger of their actions. This allow the warned creature to reroll any one d20 roll made until the start of their next turn. This ability may be used once per creature per day but is otherwise at-will.

Invite Judgment (Su): You gain the Judgment domain ability. If you already possessed it both uses stack, essitially double the amount of uses per day.

Massive Catastrophe (Ex): Whenever the Warseer use her Destructive Spells ability it is automatically affected by Expand Spell once without any modification to spell level. The Warseer must be 9th level or higher to select this Discovery and must possess the Destructive Spell discovery.

Negate Destruction: The Warseer add make whole and mending to her spell list.

Rain of Destruction (Su): The Warseer gain the ability to unleash a rain of fireball that deal half fire and half divine damage. Unlike the spell she may concentrate on it, unleashing another salvo each turn she does. She possess a number of rounds per day equal to half her class level, uses need not be consecutive. The Warseer must be 12th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Prophetic Revelation

Ark of Safety (Su): The Warseer gain the ability to create a demiplane as per genesis at no cost, she may expand it as if she cast the spell once per year at no cost. The demiplane is safe from any incoming worldwide or plane-wise catastrophe and may only access by a single gate on the material plane.

Eternal Night

The dark will fall upon the world, the dead will rises and the sun shall never rise.
—Brook of Orcus

It is said that everything must end, and the Gods have granted the Warseer a vision of one such possible ending. The event of an undead apocalypse is a terrifying prospect, as it one where the land is left a desecrated tomb never to bear life again. The Warseer may be called by evil Gods of undeath to make her Vision a reality, while others may push the Warseer to prevent the proliferation of undeath. The Warseer with this vision possess ability to enable or fight undeads.

Initial Ability

Herald of Dawn: The Warseer gain Turn Undead as a Cleric of her class level. Alternatively she may select:

Herald of Dusk: The Warseer gain Rebuke Undead as a Cleric of her class level


Command of the Night: The Warseer add chill touch, command undead to her spell list.

Darksighted (Ex): The Warseer gain Darkvision out of 120 feet, if she selected Herald of Dusk her Darkvision become unlimited.

Eyes of Light (Ex): As a free action the Warseer may project light from her eyes as per a Hooded Lantern and gain Bright-light Vision. If she selected Herald of Dawn all undead creature in the light she produce this way take a -1 moral penalty to attack and AC.

Final Blow (Su): If the Warseer is an Herald of Dawn, any undead she destroy cannot be raised again as undead. If the undead had a mean of respawning, such as a ghost it cannot unless it has an external catalyst for it return (such as a lich). If the Warseer is an Herald of Dusk any living creature she slay automatically raise as a zombie under her control to serve her. The Warseer must be 12th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Fire in the Night (Su): The Warseer possess the light of Dawn or Dusk in her weapon, all weapons she wield now possess the flaming enhancement (which stack with the actual enhancement). If she choose the Herald of Dawn it deal 2d6 damage against undeads, if she choose Herald of Dusk it deal 1d10 damage against the livings. The Warseer must be 6th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Horror of the Night (Ex): The Warseer become more like the undead she lead, or sought to banish. She gain the Partial Incorporeality and 25% Fortification. The Warseer must be 9th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Tongue of the Dead (Su): The Warseer is no under a constant speak with dead. she may also use demoralize opponent against undead even if they are mindless, causing them to become At Bay from her for 1 minute instead of it normal effect.

Prophetic Revelation

Dawnbringer (Ex): The Warseer who has chosen to become Herald of Dawn become an angelic being, she shed light as per the daylight spell constantly, she grow angelic wings which grant her a fly speed of 120 feet (good). The Herald of Dawn cannot be raised as an undead.

Nightbringer (Su): The Warseer who has chosen to become Herald of the Dusk become a reaper-like creature. She gain a fly speed of 90 feet (perfect) and her type change to undead instead of outsider.