Godseer (3.5e Class)/Visions

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Praise the Sun!
—Unknown Knight of a Solar Deity

A vision of the a new dawn, pure and free of darkness. The Dawn Vision inspire the Warseer toward crusading and spreading their religion as well as battling undead. The Warseers who received a dawn vision tend to be more zealous than others, since it is an extremely vague vision and heavily play on the Warseer's previous bias. The Dawn Vision grant abilities that allow them to fight undead, light-based abilities and finally a greater morale.

Initial Ability

New Dawn: The Warseer gain Turn Undead as a Cleric of her class level.


Banish the Darkness (Su): By expending a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Warseer may replicate a greater dispel magic effect which only affect darkness effect. The dispel check gain a bonus equal to the spell slot expended. The Warseer must be 6th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Eyes of Light (Su): As a free action the Warseer may project light from her eyes as per a Hooded Lantern and gain Bright-light Vision. All undead creature in the light she produce this way take a -1 moral penalty to Attack roll and AC.

Free of Fear (Ex): The Warseer become immune to [fear]-effects.

Solar Praise (Ex): As a move action the Warseer may praise the dawn, posing and shouting in the process. This grant all allies creature within 60 ft a +2 morale bonus on attack roll and damage roll as well as immunity to fear for 1 round.

Undeadbane (Su): As a swift action, the Warseer may cause her blade to explode in sunlight. This grant both the flaming and bane enhancement (undead) for 1 round per class level per day, uses need not to be continuous. The Warseer must be 9thlevel or higher to select this Discovery.

Prophetic Revelation

Dawnbringer (Ex): The Warseer become an angelic being, she shed light as per the daylight spell constantly, she grow angelic wings which grant her a fly speed of 120 feet (good). The Herald of Dawn cannot be raised as an undead.


Behold, I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish.
—Genesis 6:17

The Gods has warned the Warseer of an incoming deluge of catastrophic proportions, the parts the Warseer has to play in the event leading to and after the deluge are often vague. Some Warseer try to prevent it, if unable save as much as possible, while others are to preach the words of the Gods until the time come. In some case, the Gods sent the deluge to wipe out the unrighteous and the Warseer is to prevent rescue efforts, or at least make the unrighteous know what is coming and why it coming. In any case a Warseer with the Deluge Vision gain several ability which allow her to warn allies, warn enemies and call upon the incoming catastrophe in her abilities.

Initial Ability

Dire Warning (Ex): The Warseer is capable of making a chilling warning of the future, especially to those opposing her. She gain the ability to demoralize opponent against all hostile creatures within 30 feet, making them At Bay from her for 1 round instead of it normal effect.


Destructive Spells (Ex): By calling upon the Vision of the Deluge, the Warseer is capable of spontaneously casting an Evocation spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list by spending a spell slot of the same level. The spell must not have the [Force] descriptor and must deal damage. The Warseer may use this ability a number of time per day equal to 2 + her Charisma modifier.

End-time Preaching (Ex): The Warseer is capable of bringing crowd to their feet with her tales of the coming end. She may make a mass Intimidate checks against all creatures within earshot who can see the Warseer to adjust their attitude. Unlike a normal Intimidate this does not function on creature whose CR is not at least 2 below the Warseer. The affected creatures keep their new attitude toward the Warseer indefinitely, or until they cease believing the coming deluge, at which point their attitude worsen as normal.

Invite Judgment (Su): You gain the Judgment domain ability. If you already possessed it both uses stack, essitially double the amount of uses per day.

Massive Catastrophe (Ex): Whenever the Warseer use her Destructive Spells ability it is automatically affected by Expand Spell once without any modification to spell level. The Warseer must be 9th level or higher to select this Discovery and must possess the Destructive Spell discovery.

Rain of Destruction (Su): The Warseer gain the ability to unleash a rain of fireball that deal half fire and half divine damage. Unlike the spell she may concentrate on it, unleashing another salvo each turn she does. She possess a number of rounds per day equal to half her class level, uses need not be consecutive. The Warseer must be 12th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Prophetic Revelation

Ark of Safety (Su): The Warseer gain the ability to create a demiplane as per genesis at no cost, she may expand it as if she cast the spell once per year at no cost. The demiplane is safe from any incoming worldwide or plane-wise catastrophe and may only access by a single gate on the material plane.

Deep Sea

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
—H.P Lovecraft

Those who receive vision of a deep sea, perhaps a metaphor or perhaps not. The things dwelling deep below the waves are not kind to the onlooker, and few are left unscarred by such sight. The Warseer who survive such vision possess an innate knowledge of the eldritch, as well as more elemental knowledge of water. The Deep Sea vision grant strange powers to the Warseer, but when used well they become almost as fearsome as the vision itself.

Initial Ability

Vision-Scarred: The Warseer gain Iron Will as a bonus feat.


Akashic Records (Ex): The Warseer add her Charisma modifier on all of her Knowledge checks and may use Knowledge untrained.

Eldritch Spells (Su): The Warseen has dabbled in strange alien magic, she now gain a +2 on caster level check for the purpose of piercing spell resistance. The DCs to dispel her spell is also 4 point higher than normal. The Warseer must be 6th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Depthlurker (Ex): The Warseer gain unseen gills below her skin and unseen webbing between her fingers and toes which manifest on contact of water. She gain a swim speed equal to her base land speed as well as the ability to breath under water, she become immune to pressure damage. The Warseer must be 6th level or higher to select this Discovery.

Nightmarish Vision: The Warseer now share the darkest depth of her vision to whoever use magic to spy on her. She gain Live My Nightmare and Improved Live My Nightmare as bonus feat. The Warseer must be 9th level or higher to select this Discovery.

More to come

Prophetic Revelation

Final (Ex): Incoming