Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Gear and Equipment/SoUL
Shackles of Unending Loyalty
Wondrous item, rare
These appear to be a common set of ball and chain. The only uncommon thing about their appearance is that the ball is clear and about the size of a small gemstone.
You can use an action to place these shackles on an unconscious creature. The shackles adjust to fit a creature of small to large size. In addition to serving as a mundane ball and chain, the shackles cast the Imprisonment spell on the wearer. The method of imprisonment is always Minimus Containment. The object the creature is imprisoned in is the small gemstone like ball at the end of the chain. The gemstone itself does not join the creature during it imprisonment, instead it remains behind. This gemstone can then be carrier and stored like an normal gemstone. The cuff and chain of the shackles remain on the unconscious creature while it is imprisoned in the gemstone.
The condition to release the creature is the same as if the user had cast the imprisonment spell on the creature themselves. The condition must be chosen by the user at the time of binding the creature in the shackles. When the spell ends the gemstone returns to the end of the chain and the creature returns still in its unconscious state.