Thunderhead Visage (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-9-18
Status: Complete
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Thunderhead Visage
Divination / Evocation [Air, Electricity]
Level: Druid 5
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 100 miles/level
Area: 100 ft radius cylinder, 2 miles high; see text
Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex half, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text

The sky grew dark and formed a furious face, bolts shooting from its eyes and threats thundering from its booming voice.

When you cast this spell you select a location within the area of effect. The weather above begins to shift and change to heavy cloud cover, blotting out the sun with a massive thunderhead cloud, and any current wind effects in the area increase by one category of severity. If the area was ready or prone to rain, it may also begin raining. This functions like control weather but is limited to overcast and rainstorms and, like the spell, forms over the course of 10 minutes.

Within a 100 ft radius cylinder centered on the center of the storm the clouds take on your visage. You are capable of sensing from this new titanic face and may communicate with beings below with a thunderous voice that, at its loudest, can be heard over a mile away.

You may fire lightning bolts as per call lightning on those within your area as part of concentrating with all the normal limitations of the spell, emanating from your visage. You may also move yourself at a fly speed of 20 ft (perfect) as a move action in any direction and may ascend cloud cover up to 2 miles high, or descend to up to 200 ft low. This spell lasts as long as you concentrate and 1 round/level after you cease concentration, the weather immediately dissipating at the end of the duration. Call lightning is subject to spell resistance, with a Reflex save for half. If you run out of lightning bolts from call lightning you may cast call lightning as a free action to restore your attempts.

While you are generally invulnerable to counterattack in this state a few effects can disrupt you. The effect is subject to dispel attempts. Control winds and control weather cause you to make an additional Fortitude save or have your spell immediately end on a failed save. Because it has your senses, gaze attacks and effects which blind or deafen pass through the visage to you. Finally detect scrying can reveal the location of your real form as if this was a scrying spell.

If cast in a spell slot two levels higher, you may use call lightning storm instead of call lightning, and you move at a fly speed of 40 ft (perfect).

Focus: A copper mirror worth 500 gp.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5640 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
ComponentV +, S + and F +
DescriptorAir + and Electricity +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelDruid 5 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolDivination + and Evocation +
SummaryTransform your presence into a great stormcloud which rains revenge from above. +
TitleThunderhead Visage +