Liefeld's Curse (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Fluffykittens (talk)
Date Created: Sept 14 2014
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Liefeld's Curse
Transmutation [Curse]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Liefeld's Curse claims another victim.
You spit out a foul and perverse word at the barbarian. Her body immediately deforms into something horrible.

You curse the enemy to have an unnatural and twisted body. At the start of the day the victim rolls twice on the chart below, gaining two random body distortions which affect them for the next 24 hours (re-roll doubles, rolling a 12 applies each effect once). Furthermore, they must re-roll any successful bluff, intimidate, and diplomacy checks, and take the worse result.

This curse may be removed by a successful dispel check, or any effect which removes curses.

Material Component: An anatomically correct drawing of a human being, which is burned as the spell is cast.

Liefeld's Curse penalties
d12 Color Damage Type
1 Covered in Pouches Your pockets have pockets, drawing items take one step longer to complete (free becomes move, move becomes standard, standard becomes full-round, full-round becomes 1 round, and so forth).
2 Distorted Neck Your neck practically fuses into your body seamlessly, and you can't turn your head correctly. Flanking creatures gain a +4 bonus to attack against you instead of +2, and you take a -4 on Spot checks.
3 Extreme Costume Your clothes were ripped right out of the 90s, all grimdark and spiky and absurd. All the absurd belts and zippers increase your armor check penalty by 6 and arcane spell failure by 15%.
4 Gritted Teeth You can't stop making grimacing faces. You suffer a 20% chance each round whenever you attempt to speak or use vocal components, or your words are muffled. If you fail the penalties last for 1 round.
5 Teeny Tiny Feet Your feet are far too small for your massive legs. You take a -10 penalty on Balance checks, and your speed is reduced as if wearing heavy armor.
6 T-Rex Arms Your reach is reduced as a creature one size smaller, and your weapon damage becomes as a weapon one size smaller.
7 Youngblood's Disease Your eyes are squinted and you are half blind. Everyone has 20% concealment to you.
8 Unnatural Bone Structure Your bone structure warps and distorts. Take an additional +50% damage from bludgeoning weapons.
9 Bloated Musculature Your muscles bulge in ways reminiscent of elephantitis. Your strength and dexterity are reduced by 4 each.
10 Bizzare Bulging You lack sexual organs of any sort, despite having shiny bulges where they should be. Take a further -4 penalty to diplomacy and bluff checks; any creature that gazes upon your naked body must make a will save (DC 25) or be sickened as long as they see you and for 1 hour afterward. This affects all intelligent creatures, even those normally immune to sickening.
11 Dull Surprise Your emotions die. You are effectively under the influence of an extraordinary Calm Emotions effect, and your charisma is reduced by 10 (to a minimum of 1).
12 Every effect comes into play for the next 24 hours

Special: A creature suffering from the flaw Badly Drawn automatically suffers from all eleven effects on this table, rather than rolling either for the flaw or the curse.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorFluffykittens +
ComponentV + and S +
DescriptorCurse +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 5 +
RangeClose +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolTransmutation +
SummaryYou warp an opponents body in disturbing ways. +
TitleLiefeld's Curse +