Shoot the Strap (3.5e Maneuver)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 5th March 2019
Status: Finished
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Shoot the Strap
Black Rain (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Ranged Attack
Target: One Flat-Footed Creature
Duration: Instantaneous (See Text)
Saving Throw: Reflex Partial, Will Negate (see text)

The gunslinger couldn't escape the gang, but he knew he could save himself a second or two with a well-placed shot. Sorry Betty, he hoped she's forgive him one day.

As part of initiating this counter make an attack against a flat-footed creature, however instead of targeting the creature itself you target it armor or clothes (same AC). If the attack hit and deal at least 1 point of damage to the armor (accounting it hardness) it sever an important strap and cause it to fall apart. The creature is allowed a Reflex save to catch it (DC 11 + the initiator's highest mental ability modifier), otherwise the armor fall at it feet. A successful save cause the armor to be merely displaced, causing the same penalties as if it was donned hastily.

If this result in the target ending up in a state of undress this maneuver also behave as the Sexy Distraction skill trick, using either the target's DC for the skill trick of the initiator's maneuver DC, whichever is higher. The target must make a Will save or become Immobilized for 1 round as they cover themselves in shame, mindless or shameless creature are immune to this effect.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
DisciplineBlack Rain +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level1 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryShoot the armor off an opponent and may cause a scene. +
TitleShoot the Strap +
TypeCounter +