Doombinder (3.5e Prestige Class)/Elder Signs

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< Doombinder (3.5e Prestige Class)
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Black Hole Sun

You remember a world without light and shadow, merely the perfect still of the eternal dark. It was in times long ago, before the tyranny of the sun and the glare of light and heat. You wish to return to those calm and cold times, and you will take the others with you. Where you're going, you won't need eyes.

Black Hole Sun
Sign Strength Effect
Faint The sun or other major light source seems eclipsed by darkness. It is treated as overcast and shadowy illumination within your aura. [Light] effects must make a DC 10 caster level check in order to be cast.
Moderate As a free action you can make it anywhere from shadowy illumination to dark as night. Artifical light sources still function, but [Light] effects now must make a DC 15 caster level check in order to be cast.
Strong As before, but now you can make it pitch black, and all light sources cease illumination out to 30 ft. The caster level check rises to 20 for [Light] effects. You gain Hide in Plain Sight, and when hidden you have a 50% miss chance against all effects, as if using blink. Effects which strike ethereal creatures can still bypass this effect.
Overwhelming The 50% concealment from darkness now applies when you are not hidden, and you have 100% concealment when hidden, effectively not even there. The caster level check becomes 25, and the range light can illuminate the terrain drops to 10 ft.
Elder Manifestation Dark Dimension "(Su)": You open a 15 ft diameter hole into the Plane of Shadow. All creatures within 10 ft of this hole feel a sucking cold wind drawing them in, while those already in the sphere must fight the wind to escape. Creatures outside must make a Reflex save to avoid being pulled in 15 ft, moving at half speed on a successful save. Creatures inside take 4d6 cold damage and must make a Will save to avoid being sent to the Plane of Shadow (save negates the plane shift), and a Reflex if they try to move. Creatures larger than Huge can be drawn in, but cannot be sent to the Plane of Shadow. If you are in total darkness while the hole is present, the wind itself deals 4d6 cold damage and the sphere deals 8d6 cold damage. It has a duration of Concentration + 1 round, out to a range of anywhere in your aura.

You can use a more gentle version of it, allowing safe transport to the Plane of Shadow without cold damage. When used on the Plane of Shadow it instead opens a gateway to any plane that connects to the Plane of Shadow, with all the accuracy of a shadow walk spell.

Cancerous Growth

Growth is good. Growth is healthy. You bloom with life and the world thanks you for it. So giving are you that you bloom to no end for all the living things, from the macroscopic creatures to the smallest cell, growing, consuming, moving without end. And they will thank you for it, oh yes they will.

Cancerous Growth
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Creatures automatically stabilize if dying, and if you spend an hour in a single place it is affected by plant growth and its enrichment effect.
Moderate Bleeding automatically stops after 1 round and creatures persist after death for 1 round as if using Cling to Life (this stacks with the feat). Healing effects are made at +1 caster level.
Strong The binder benefits from fast healing 1. Diseases become more potent, adding +4 to their DC. Creatures persist for 2 additional rounds after death.
Overwhelming The binder benefits from regeneration 3 (bypassed by acid and fire). Any creature receiving healing must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod) or become fatigued, or exhausted if already fatigued. Creatures persist for 3 additional rounds after death.
Elder Manifestation Growth Unbound "(Su)": With a touch attack you duplicate the effects of skeletal overgrowth, except the spell does not rely on a skeleton and only requires the creature to be made of organic material, and the damage is positive energy damage which deals an additional +50% against undead instead of its usual effect). In addition each round the target grows a size category similar to enlarge person, taking a -2 Dex penalty each time and no Str bonus. It continues to to grow two categories larger after death (if they died) before the effect ends. Against the binder, it has the effect of expansion instead, augmented to your caster level. The DC is (10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod).

Day of the Dead

The afterlife is full, its gates are closed, and you are herald to the end times as the dead return to walk the earth. At your call death is held at bay until strange eons may take thee.

Day of the Dead
Sign Strength Effect
Faint The area is considered under the effect of desecrate with yourself as your own alter.
Moderate The cost for raising dead in the area is cut in half. Negative energy effects are cast at +1 caster level.
Strong The dead rise on their own as an skeleton or zombie 1 hour after they die, as per animate dead. They are uncontrolled, but will never attack the binder. Undead you do control now have a minimum Int score of 10 for the purpose of understanding and executing orders while in your aura.
Overwhelming The dead rise on their own as an skeleton or zombie 1 round after they die, as per animate dead. While not strictly under your control, you can give them a single task they must complete first before becoming uncontroled, or until 1 hour passes, whichever comes first. This does not count towards your control pool.
Elder Manifestation Megadeath Pulse "(Su)": A wave of negative energy expands out from the caster to a range of 30 ft, instantly slaying creatures with 4 HD or less and dealing 1d6 points of negative energy damage/level, with a Will save for half damage. Regardless of the save, afflicted creatures cannot benefit from healing spells or positive energy effects for 1d4 rounds. This also applies to any undead, rendering them immune to positive energy and turning for the duration.

Devourer of Worlds

Your will is simple, you see the world and you hunger. It is a base desire hidden within all things, and for you it is a simple matter. You are the predator, and the world itself if your prey. Eat everything.

Devourer of Worlds
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Bite attacks have their damage increased by one size. The binder gains a bite attack for 1d6 damage and can eat any organic material.
Moderate The binder can now consume inorganic materials, ignoring hardness up to 8 with their bite. Teeth appear on the surfaces near you, making your bite attack as an extra attack automatically once a round to anyone within 30 ft.
Strong The binder can now consume dangerous materials such as ingested poisons or acid without harm, and ignore hardness up to 10. The automatically biting teeth now can appear on any surface in your aura.
Overwhelming The binder can consume any physical material, and at a rapid rate consuming a 5 ft cube of unattended material as a standard action as if using disintegrate (including devouring force effects). Their bite ignores hardness up to 15. Your autobite appears actively pulls on any creatures passing by, creatures bitten by your automatic bite have their movement speeds reduced by 1/2 for 1 round.
Elder Manifestation Consumption "(Su)": The great devourer bursts from the ground, duplicating the effects of hyperbite for 3 rounds (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod). Every creature slain by this effect heals you as if you rested for 8 hours, and provides you for sustenance for the day.

Drowning Torrent

The world came from the sea, and to the sea it shall return. For the sea holds many secrets and many terrible things in its depths. Your waters fall upon this land, slowly eroding it away and sweeping the surface clean of its mortal impurities with your unrelenting storm.

Drowning Torrent
Sign Strength Effect
Faint It begins to precipitate, or current precipitation becomes worse. Wind effects are a minimum of moderate (11-20 mph). You can determine the direction of the wind as a free action.
Moderate Water swirls, increasing the DC to rough water. Rain snuffs all natural fires out, and reduces the duration of magical fires by 1/2. Wind effect minimum is strong (21-30 mph).
Strong Water churns, increasing the DC to stormy water. Rain obscures beyond 5 ft, providing 20% concealment. Wind effect minimum is severe (31-50 mph).
Overwhelming Rain becomes a downpour, providing concealment as obscuring mist. Wind effect minimum is windstorm (51-74 mph).
Elder Manifestation Bloatswell "(Su)": You duplicate the effects of detonation of blood, except the creature explodes as high pressure seawater manifests in their body and escapes. The escaping water also snuffs mundane fires, and attempts to dispel any magical fires (no cap). The save is (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod).

Eldritch Skies

You look up and see a heaven not your own. The skies are the wrong color, there are too many moons, and you are pretty sure one of the stars just blinked at you. The sky is full of eyes and mouths and things that are watching and it is driving you utterly mad.

Eldritch Skies
Sign Strength Effect
Faint The sky becomes strange, alien, and full of eyes. If a creature has line of sight to the sky while in the aura, you are considered to have line of sight to them.
Moderate As long as you have line of effect to the sky, you are never loss and always know your exact position and the position of any other creatures visible from the sky in your aura.
Strong Any creatures that make eye contact with the sky must make a Will save or become fascinated until disturbed. Creatures have no memory of being fascinated. Treat this as a gaze attack.
Overwhelming Strange imagry reflects down on the surface, giving you hallucinatory terrain as a swift action at will while in your aura. Creatures fascinated by the sky get a second Will save, if they fail they are confused for 1 minute upon leaving fascination.
Elder Manifestation Lost to the Stars "(Su)": You duplicate the effects of time hop Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha) augmented to your level, except you shunt a creature out of reality and wandering upon alien worlds, alternate dimensions, and strange voids. The experience is horrifying for its victims, and each round they spend there they become one step more frightful (shaken, frightened, and panicked) on their return for 1 round, decreasing one step for each round they spend back in reality. If they have less than 1/2 your level in HD and they stay 4 or more rounds shunted, then on their return they are dead from some otherworldly tragedy.

Eternal Thirst

The hot sun brings life only in moderation, and you embody the punishing heat, the drying riverbeds, and the death of life through desiccation. You are the desert incarnate, spreading irrevocability over the world.

Eternal Thirst
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Natural precipitation stops, and temperatures rise slightly. Damp objects dry up within 1 round. [Water] effects must make a DC 10 caster level check in order to be cast.
Moderate Heat conditions rise by one step from the natural weather. Damp objects dry instantly, and fire spells are made at +1 caster level. [Water] effects must make a DC 15 caster level check in order to be cast.
Strong Heat conditions rise by two steps from the natural weather. [Water] effects must make a DC 20 caster level check in order to be cast. Wet creatures such as most oozes and water elementals lose 5 hp a round they remain in the area.
Overwhelming Heat conditions rise by three steps from the natural weather. Water boils away. [Water] effects must make a DC 25 caster level check in order to be cast. All fire effects automatically catch the target on fire, and the save to put out fires increases by +5.
Elder Manifestation Utterdry "(Su)": A 10 ft cube/level anywhere within your aura becomes bone dry, destroying all water, automatically dispelling all [Water] effects, and rendering creatures within the area so dry as to become thirsty. They must make a Fortitude save DC (10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier) or become fatigued, or fatigued creatures become exhausted, neither which is lifted until they can have a drink. A successful save negates the status, but they are still thirsty and must refresh or take 1d6 nonlethal damage every minute they remain unrefreshed. The effect is so potent that bodies of water with part of the water destroyed does not flow back into the space destroyed for 5 rounds, or as a free action on your turn. Thus you can carve pathways through bodies of water, or have bubbles of air underwater.

Flesh Singularity

The best thing about being you is that there is so much of you. Look upon this world with all of its creatures pretending not to be you. Correct them. Absorb them. Make it so that only you exist. It is all about you.

Flesh Singularity
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Fleshy moss covers surfaces in the area, negating slippery, iced, and greased floors, reducing climb checks by 5, and swallowing up difficult terrain 1d4 rounds after it appears.
Moderate All creatures become spongy and amorphous, granting light fortification but reducing natural armor by 2 and movement speed by 5 ft. Transmutation spells are cast at +1 caster level.
Strong Living creatures adjucent to each other are considered one creature for the purposes of targetting. The binder can pass through creatures without provoking attacks of opportunity by melding through them.
Overwhelming At will you can produce structures of meat and bone from the fleshy moss as if using stone shape. These structures persist even after your aura leaves, but begin to rot like normal dead meat. Dead creatures you touch or creatures you kill in melee are absorbed physically, healing you for 1 hp oer HD of the creature and 1 point of ability damage to all scores. Dead and non-sapient flesh melds together and forms malformed masses of meat, and adjucent corpses flow together into one. This renders the body unsuitable for revival.
Elder Manifestation Absorb Essence "(Su)": As a standard action touch attack you can use this ability in two ways. Against fallen allies this works as the Absorb Ally feat. Against opponents and unwilling corpses it instead deals 1d6 points of damage/level, no save, which you absorb as healing. If the damage is enough to kill them, their body vanishes into yours and is digested. It does not function against creatures without corporeal flesh, such as many constructs or incorporeal beings.

Lunatic Fury

Madness. Violence. Maim, burn, kill! You are the primal impulse, the warrior's impulse, the animalistic hunt and the embodiment of murder. To look upon your works is to go mad, to embrace you is to embrace the will of a killer.

Lunatic Fury
Sign Strength Effect
Faint The binder gains a +4 bonus to intimidation checks. Effects such as a barbarian's rage are more aggressive, they cannot willingly end their rage early. Diplomacy checks take a -4 penalty.
Moderate The binder gains a +8 bonus to intimidation checks. Effects such as a barbarian's rage gain a +2 profane bonus to Str while in a rage in the area.
Strong The binder gains a +12 bonus to intimidation checks. All creatures benefit from a boar's Ferocity ability. Mindless creatures and creatures with IntDiplomacy checks automatically fail in the area.
Overwhelming A sign appears in the sky, and any who do not avert their gaze must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod) or be affected by confusion and rage. They get a new saving throw any time they take damage. Treat this as a gaze attack.
Elder Manifestation Slaughterfest "(Su)": For 1 round all allies in your aura are invigorated into violence. They gain Damage Resistance/- equal to their character level, haste, diehard, any status effects that inhibit movement are briefly suppressed, they become immune to mind-affecting effects, and they make all of their attacks in a round at their highest attack bonus. As long as they dealt at least 1 point of damage, they gain a +4 morale bonus on all d20 rolls in the subsequent round, otherwise they take a -4 penalty. Opponents are also subject to the morale penalty if they do not attack, but they recieve no other benefits.

Seal of Imprisonment

You are that which cannot be, and the powers beyond you see your blasphemous nature and seek to bind it and hide it away at the cost of everything. It may be your prison, but it is also your world that you will make your own.

Seal of Imprisonment
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Conjuration (Calling, Summoning, and Teleportation) and Divination spells are inhibited, and must make a DC 10 caster level check in order to be cast. This also applies to spells that would banish creatures.
Moderate The caster level check against certain conjurations and divination and banishment rises to 15. Communicating with deities is not possible, and divine casters cannot select new spells while in your area. They can still refresh their current ones.
Strong The caster level check against certain conjurations and divination and banishment rises to 20. Extraplanar creatures not on their native plain weaken, taking a -3 penalty to attack, AC, and saves while in the area.
Overwhelming The caster level check against certain conjurations and divination and banishment rises to 25. Even on a successful use of these abilities, the caster is subject to 1 point of madness from the experience. The binder themselves becomes immune to divinations as long as the overwhelming sign lasts.
Elder Manifestation Ancient Shackles "(Su)": You can duplicate the effect of temporal stasis with a duration of Concentration. If they make a successful save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier) or when they are released from stasis they are staggered for 1 round. While you concentrate, your sign strength does not increase.

Swarming Chaos

You recognize the true masters of this world, and it those who are many. Insects, rats, worms, frogs, no matter what it is they come in swarms and come with intent on taking over the planet.

Swarming Chaos
Sign Strength Effect
Faint Insects and other small creatures appear in number, loose and uncontrolled. You can make a 10 ft cube anywhere in your aura as a free action which is difficult terrain and provides partial concealment due to the swarm.
Moderate The insect swarms strike back at those would would assault the binder. If you are attacked, a swarm decends upon your opponent and does 1d6 swarm damage.
Strong Swarming in the aura causes 1d6 points of swarm damage to creatures every round. You can choose to exclude creatures if you see fit.
Overwhelming The swarming effect now carries a Distraction ability as a swarm, with a DC of 15. Damage increases to 2d6 for the aura and the swarms which strike back. Creatures within the cube of difficult terrain have total concealment.
Elder Manifestation Hivelord"(Su)": You become a 10 cubic foot swarm with your statistics, dealing swarm damage as per your HD and gaining the Distraction ability (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier). While a swarm you gain the swarm subtype and are considered a Fine swarm. You can retain swarm form for as long as you like, but your sign strength does not increase while in swarm form. You cannot use any of your physical attacks or spells, but retain your supernatural abilities such as from your vestiges and can still speak. If you die while a swarm you are not truely dead, merely dispersed, and will reform after 1 hour in the nearest safe space.


The domain of beings of death and decay, disease and demise. Those who hold the mark of Worldrot destroy all life around them in preparation for the coming of the end times.

Sign Strength Effect
Faint Creatures cannot stabilize naturally if dying, and if you spend an hour in a single place it is affected by diminish plants and its stunt growth effect.
Moderate If a creature is damaged, they take 1 point of additional lethal damage even if the damage had been non-lethal. Natural healing is not possible in your aura.
Strong Creature roll twice and take the worse result when healing, and [Death] effects gain a +1 to their DC. If a creature dies, the body rots away after 1 minute of exposure to your aura.
Overwhelming Creatures always take minimum from healing effects, and fast healing and regeneration is cut in half. Normal non-creature plants, small insects, and swarms with less than 4 HD automatically die in the area.
Elder Manifestation Wasting Death "(Su)": The entire aura is subject to sterilize with no save, and enemies not subject to sterilize must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod) or come down with a wasting disease that deals 1d6 points of ability damage to an ability of your choice, save negates. They must make this save every round they remain in your aura as long as they remain diseased, though this disease can never lower a score below 1. You can choose not to inflict ability damage at any point in time.