Deep Gnome Subrace (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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The Deep Gnome is a subrace of Gnome in 5th ed. described in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.

Deep Gnome
a.k.a. Svirfnblin
Alignment: Neutral
Ability Score Increase: Dexterity +1
Superior Darkvision
Stone Camouflage
Extra Language
Svirfneblin Magic (optional Racial Feat)

Unofficial Description

Addapted to their Underdark home, these gnomes blend in with their rocky surroundings.

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AuthorSword Coast Adventurer's Guide +
Canontrue +
Dexterity+1 +
PublicationSword Coast Adventurer's Guide +
RaceGnome +
SubraceDeep Gnome +
Subrace Ability ModsDex +1 +
Subrace FeaturesSuperior Darkvision +, Stone Camouflage +, Extra Language + and Svirfneblin Magic (optional Racial Feat) +
SummaryAddapted to their Underdark home, these gnomes blend in with their rocky surroundings. +