Talk:Bola (5e Weapon)

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Bolas: 5gp; 3lbs; finesse, light, range 20/60 Bolas can be used on large or smaller creatures. A hit results in the target being grappled and delivers 1d4 bludgeoning damage. A fail on a DC 12 Dexterity check (at disadvantage if the creature took a move action on its last turn) results in the creature falling prone and receiving an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage. A creature can take a full turn action to untangle itself unless it has an intelligence of 3 or lower. Alternatively, a creature can make a DC 18 strength check or deal 5 slashing damage (AC 10) to the bolas without harming itself but destroying the bolas. If successful, the creature is longer grappled.