User:Leziad/Gravitational Field (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 24th July 2019
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Gravitational Field [Spellcasting]

You are able to passively generate a gravitational field around yourself, which grant you some degree of control over gravity.
Prerequisite: Must be able to cast alter gravity spontaneously.

Benefits: This is a spellcasting feat that scales with the highest-level spell slot you have.

  • 1: You are able to create a powerful supernatural field of subjective personal gravity. This allow you to be able to make objects to levitate weightlessly around or even orbit. This behave as the floating enhancement, except it can be applied to non-weapon objects weight 10 lbs or less. You may bestow this quality to an unattended object within 10 feet as a swift action, unlike the enhancement it does not not require an attunement period. You may only have a number of objects affected by this ability equal to your character level and you end the effect on one or more object as a free action. Unlike the enhancement this effect immediately end if the object is moved more than 10 feet away from you. Additionally any armor you wear become essentially weightless, no longer slowing you down and never encumbering you.
  • 3: You gain the ability to levitate (self only) at-will and an an hover speed equal to your land speed (perfect). You may act as if you were under normal gravity while in either light or heavy gravity whenever doing so would be advantageous.
  • 6: You have perfect control over your own gravity, granting you a fly speed equal to your land speed with perfect maneuverability. If you already possessed a better fly speed or gain one from a spell, increase their maneuverability by one step and you may always hover with them. Additionally you are never subject to subjective gravity unless you wish to.
  • 9: You may alter the gravity around yourself as a free action at the start of your turn. This effectively change the gravity within a 120-ft radius around yourself to normal, light, heavy or even no gravity. As a standard action you may alter the direction of gravity within your aura for 1 round.

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