Ichorous Black Steel (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Contributors: Eiji-kun
Date Created: 15th October 2014
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Ichorous Black Steel

A fantastically powerful but volatile material, named after its black color and burning core. Ichorous Black Steel is always hot to the touch. It is extremely hard and extremely potent when well forged. Ichorous Black Steel can only be forged into weapons because of its nature. Making it a protective item would ultimately doom the wearer. Ichorous black steel only has a limited lifespan,. It will appear to visibly deteriorate revealing the weapon is red hot inside the more used it is. Finally, once its time comes, the weapon explodes violently. A broken ichorus black steel weapon leaves only a burnt husk behind and cannot be repaired in any way save a wish or miracle.

Ichorous black steel weapons are extremely deadly;increasing the weapon damage die by one step due to the strong yet sharp edge it can hold. It critical threat and modifier are increased by 1 point each. Fire damage dealt with an ichorous black steel weapon ignore fire resistance and halves fire immunity. Ichorous steel weapons come with 100 "charges" which depletes by 1 every time a successful attack is made, and when they lose all charges the weapon breaks. If they break during an attack, this attack is an automatic critical hit. Sunder attempts against the weapon deal damage against its charges rather than its hit points, effectively giving ichorous black steel weapons 100 hp. Augmentations (such as dwarvencraft or hardening) do not alter this amount, though they may alter hardness. Weapons made of ichorous black steel gain a 10% discount on any enhancements which deal fire damage.

Additionally the more the weapon is damaged the more it become burning hot, dealing 1d8 point of fire damage per 10 charge it has lost. When the weapon breaks it explode in a blazing fury, unleashing a 120 feet cone of fire dealing 20d8 fire damages (DC 10 + wielder's base attack bonus, Reflex for half). If the weapon breaks as it strikes a creature, the attack is a confirmed critical hit and the struck creature receives no saving throw against the cone of fire.

Ichorous black steel needs special preparation, so all weapons made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, ichorous black steel weapons have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls for being masterwork (this does not stack with the rising enhancement bonus). Ichorous black steel cannot be made into ammunition.

Ichorous black steel has hardness 20, and an irrelevant number of hit points as all damage is redirected into the number of charges it possesses. Ichorous black steel is completely unaffected by fire, take quarter damage from acid, cold, electricity, and sonic and half damage from force attacks.

Type of Ichorous Black Steel Item Item Cost Modifier
Weapon +30,000 gp

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AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA fantastically powerful but volatile material, named after its black color and burning core. +
TitleIchorous Black Steel +