Hammer of Reforging (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-27-19
Status: Hammer of Reforging
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Hammer of Reforging

When Hexeygil the Reforger is defeated, the essence of its divine hammer is left behind as silver dust. Those capable of crafting magical weapons can imbue this dust into a masterwork hammer and transform it into a special artifact hammer known as the Hammer of Reforging. The Hammer of Reforging has the appearance of a metal maul with a short handle, but it retains the proficiency, Weapon Arts, and general size of its original base weapon. It starts as a +1 weapon, but may be enhanced further as any normal weapon. It always has the Rebound enhancement which does not count towards its enhancement cost or maximum enhancements, and has a 20 ft range increment. It also offers the following abilities:

  • Break Defenses: As part of a single attack once per round, your attack ignores all damage reduction, resistances, and hardness of any non-deific being (except for DR/-). It also counts as the appropriate damage to bypass regeneration, and can affect swarms. If the attack is successful that creature or object's DR, resistances, and hardness remains down for 1 round.
  • Heavy Impact: As part of a single attack once per round you deal normal damage and get a free bull rush attempt against the creature without provoking attacks of opportunity. You do not follow the creature as they are thrown back, and if they strike an object or another creature of their size or larger they are knocked prone unless they succeed on a Balance check, DC equal to the damage dealt. If they strike a creature or object mid-way using the same attack roll as your initial attack, they also take damage and are subject to bull rushing (if a creature) or possibly breaking (if an object) causing its victims to continue their movement while possibly being prone.
  • Mending Strike: As part of a single attack once per round you deal no damage but instead repairs any mundane object as if subject to make whole (CL 15th). Against constructs, it instead heals the target 1 hp per HD the target possesses. A single creature can only benefit from this ability 3/day.
  • Whirling Hammer: As a full attack action the hammer may be thrown. Instead of returning after making a single attack it spins in place at the location it was aimed in a 10 ft radius circle centered on that point. Any creature moving through or ending their turn in that area are subject to an attack of opportunity. Whirling hammer can perform unlimited attacks of opportunity, and the hammer may persist whirling in spot for an unlimited duration until recalled as a free action. It can also be commanded to move up to 15 ft a round in a direction, but it must be recalled and thrown again to change its behavior.

Only one of these abilities may be used at a time. The hammer may be used as a focus for any [Creation] spell or spell which affects objects, adding +1 caster level to the spell cast through it.

While not intelligent per se, it is said those who possess the weapon eventually become enraptured to make some magnum opus, or to tear down some existing wonder. It often merely amplifies any pre-existing feelings to this end goal.

The means of destroying a Hammer of Reforging involve either a deific act, throwing it into an active volcano along with something you have created, or creating a forge specifically for the purposes of destroying it worth at least 5000 gp. It can also be destroyed if it is used as a catalyst to return Hexeygil the Reforger back to life, though the means to do so is a secret only known to the gods.

As an artifact, the Hammer of Reforging is not picked up by detect magic, but it actively glows when once of its weapon arts are in use or used as a focus. Creatures strongly associated with Creation or Destruction innately recognize and identify the weapon, and often seek to obtain it.

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AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryForged from the shattered remains of the Hammer of God, the Hammer of Reforging has but a fragment of power of the initial weapon yet can be manipulated by mortals to their ends. +
TitleHammer of Reforging +
TypeMinor +