Corrupted Death Knight (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 19th July 2017
Status: Finished
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Corrupted Death Knight

Not all Death Knights make oath of servitude to concept, some are enrolled in the army of death through bad luck or by pledging oneself to a dark lord. These death knight do not have an oath, they cannot fall, for their power is inborn. Many Corrupted Death knight are the result of negative energy tainting the world. Although most Corrupted Death Knights are evil, they do not need to be, a few strive to be brave soul despite their curse.

Class: Death Knight

Prerequisites: 1st Level Only

Level: 1st, 2nd 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 18th

Replaces: A Corrupted Death Knight must select Rebuke Undead instead of turn undead and no receive the Oath, Among the Dead and Death's Door Class Features.

Benefit: A Corrupted Death Knight receive the following class features:

Corrupted Soul (Ex): A Corrupted Dead Knight gain the Deadtouched and Tomb Tainted SoulLbM feats as bonus feats, or any feat which count as such she meet the prerequisite for. A Corrupted Death Knight count her class level as four level higher for the purpose of receiving the Half-Dead class features.

At 3rd level she gain animate dead as a spell-like ability 1/day. She gain an additional use per day at 6th level and each 3 level thereafter. At 11th level she may burn two uses of animate dead to replicate create undead. Alternatively at each of those level you may take a bonus [Undead] feat you meet the prerequisite for.

At 5th level you no longer need to sleep or breath although you may decide to do so. You still need to eat, but you do not starve to death, instead becoming Staggered until you find sustenance.

Vulnerability (Ex): A Corrupted Death Knight's nature make her particularly vulnerable to what is holy. She is At Bay while in consecrated area (or other especially holy places) and she can be turned (but not rebuked). Instead of the normal effect of turning she simply become staggered in pain for 1d4+1 round (or double that if she would be destroyed).

She count as undead for the purpose of detect undead, the Holy enhancement, holy water and spells that deal extra damage to undead.

Additionally choose a special weakness, usually a semi-common object or place, you are At Bay from such item. You also choose a single condition when your corruption become apparent, when under that condition you look fully undead. An example could be a special weakness to holy symbol and your reflection appearing to be fully undead.

Undead Aspect: Upon attaining 2nd level, a Corrupted Death Knight must choose an aspect of undeath she want to embrace. Once chosen this aspect cannot be changed and is picked from the list below:

Ghost: You gain the Partial Incorporeality creature ability.

Living Corpse: You gain Corpse Toughness as a bonus feat.

Necromancer: You gain CorpsecrafterLM as a bonus feat.

Vampire: Whenever you consume freshly harvested blood, you gain Fast Healing 1 for 1 minute and it count as a full meal for the day. This also apply when you make a bite attack against a living creature. This Fast Healing increase by 1 at 6th level and each 6 level thereafter.

Corrupting Touch (Su): A Corrupted Death Knight of 5th level gain a unique Undead Touch. As a standard action, the Corrupted Death Knight may make a touch attack, which deal 3d6 + her Charisma modifier in damage. The succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 Class Level + Charisma modifier) or become nauseated for 1 round. At 7th level and each odd level thereafter the damage of her corrupting touch increase by 1d6.

A Corrupted Death Knight's touch is usable a number of times per day equal to 1 + the Death Knight's Charisma modifier.

Cloak of Corrupted Souls A 10th level Corrupted Death Knight's Ghost Shroud is made of rapacious spirits, just as willing to devour enemies as to protect the Corrupted Death Knight. Whenever a creature attack the Corrupted Death Knight while adjacent to her it take 1d10 points of magic damage. This can only happen once per attack.

The Corrupted Death Knight may now also draw souls into her Ghost Shroud, if a creature dies adjacent to her it soul is immediately pulled into the shroud. The Corrupted Death Knight may also attempt to draw a soul from a corpse who died within 1 round as a standard action. The shroud only hold as many souls in CR as the Death Knight class level + her Charisma modifier. The Corrupted Death Knight may free or transfer a soul into a proper vessel as a free action. Alternatively she may have the soul of a creature whose CR is less than half her own devoured by her shroud, requiring a wish to bring back the creature to life.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4504 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassDeath Knight +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryNot all Death Knights make oath of servitu
Not all Death Knights make oath of servitude to concept, some are enrolled in the army of death through bad luck or by pledging oneself to a dark lord. These death knight do not have an oath, they cannot fall, for their power is inborn. Many Corrupted Death knight are the result of negative energy tainting the world. Although most Corrupted Death Knights are evil, they do not need to be, a few strive to be brave soul despite their curse.
rive to be brave soul despite their curse. +
TitleCorrupted Death Knight +