Ekbom's Imaginary Insects (5e Spell)

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5e Spell Ekbom's Imaginary Insects
5th-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Components: M (Vial of Insects)
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Casters: Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock

Terrified of insects but determined to win over his fellow student Faith, the apprentice Ekbom developed this spell in order to train himself to overcome his phobia. The illusion apparently worked too well, however, for prolonged exposure to the spell caused Ekbom's unfortunate demise at his own hand, frantically trying to kill the 'bugs' all over his body with a letter opener. Enforcement found his research notes while cleaning out his bunk and continued the spell's use in their more nefarious activities.

An illusionary swarm of insects begins to crawl over the targets skin and begin to burrow into its flesh. At the start each of the creatures turn, it makes a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, until the start of their next turn, they lose all reactions and spend their own turns action(s) attacking themself in melee with any weapons on their person. If they do not have any, they will perform unarmed strikes. These attacks always hit automatically but never cause a critical hit. The target can still use its full movement during their turn. On a success, the spells effect ends.

At Higher Levels. Casting at higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you may choose one extra target within 30 feet for each slot level above 5th.

Author's Note: I wanted to recreate this spell from user:ThunderGod Cid who created it for 3.5e. This is my attempt to recreate the spell for 5e. It was a fun spell when I started playing DnD and now that I am getting back into it I wanted to be able to use it again.

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Action TypeOther +
AuthorNazsmith +
Canontrue +
CasterSorcerer +, Wizard + and Warlock +
ComponentM +
Consumable Componentstrue +
Identifier5e Spell +
Level5 +
Range30 Feet +
RatingUnrated +
Scalabletrue +
SchoolIllusion +
SummaryTarget hallucinates insects all over their body and attacks themselves.

TitleEkbom's Imaginary Insects +
Valuable Componentstrue +