Crown of the Pit Fiend (3.5e Soulmeld)

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Author: Aeturo (talk)
Date Created: 12/29/2016
Status: Needs critiquing but is otherwise complete
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Crown of the Pit Fiend 
Descriptors: Evil, Lawful
Classes: Devilsouled
Chakra: Arms, Blast, Crown, Heart, Shoulders, Soul, Throat
Saving Throw: See text

The power of the Dukes of Hell flows into you, and your eyes glow an unholy red.

The mantle of a Pit Fiend is tough to wear. A meldshaper must be at least level 5 before he can use this soulmeld. Additionally, he may only bind, at maximum, 3 chakras to this soulmeld. You gain a +6 bonus to Profession (Barrister).

Essentia: For every point of essentia invested your bonus increases by 2.  

Chakra Bind (Blast)

Your voice becomes deeper and behind each word faint whispers in infernal can be heard. Those who speak Infernal hear words of destruction and power.

As a full round action you can speak, in Infernal, of a deal with Asmodeus or otherwise powerful figure of the hells with which you made a deal for this power you wield. As is part of your contract you may draw on their power.

One ball of hellfire appears near you for each meldshaper level you have. On your next turn you may designate the balls of hellfire to attack enemies as a second Full Round Action. As with Magic Missile each may be a different enemy, or the same. Each one deals 1d4 fire damage, +1 vile damage for each point of essentia invested in this soulmeld. 

Chakra Bind (Crown)

Your face warps to crudely resemble that of a pit fiend.

You gain +1 Charisma, with an additional +1 for each point of invested essentia 

Chakra Bind (Throat)

You gain suggestion as a spell-like ability usable 1 time + 1 per point of invested essentia each day. If you have 3 or more essentia invested in this soulmeld you may even convince the target to do harmful things they would not normally do, but will still not do anything suicidal. 

Chakra Bind (Shoulders)

You grow large wings that wrap around you like a grotesque cloak.

YOU gain a fly speed of 20 feet + 5 feet (6 meters + 1,5 meters) per point of essentia invested.

You also gain two wing buffet attacks that deal 1d6 + 1 per essentia invested of damage. You can also gain damage reduction 5/Good or Silver, + 1 for each point of invested essentia, by wrapping them around you, but if this is bypassed three times then your wings are torn apart and this Chakra Bind’s effects cannot be used until you can spend time to rebind chakras and reinvest essentia. This still takes up all resources invested into it. 

Chakra Bind (Heart)

Reddish scales spread across your skin, giving you a devilish appearance.

You gain the ability to emit a 20 foot radius (6 meters) fear aura as a free action. All within this radius must make a DC save = 10 + Charisma modifier + invested essentia or be affected by fear. Caster level is equal to your Meldshaper level. 

Chakra Bind (Arms)

Your arms burn bright with the fires of hell.

You gain the ability to use fireball as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + 1 per point of essentia invested. This fireball is uncapped and your caster level is equal to your meldshaper level-2. 

Chakra Bind (Soul)

Asmodeus takes your soul as his, and in return you gain power beyond your wildest dreams. Your appearance becomes completely as if you were truly a Pit Fiend

Upon binding this for the first time choose 10 spells from spell levels 1 to 4. You may use these as spell-like abilities 5 times + 1 time per each point of essentia invested. All the spell-like abilities collectively draw from this one pool of uses, they do not each individually have 5 + essentia uses.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorAeturo +
ClassDevilsouled +
DescriptorEvil + and Lawful +
Identifier3.5e Soulmeld +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe power of the Dukes of Hell flows into you, and your eyes glow an unholy red. +
TitleCrown of the Pit Fiend +
TypeArms +, Blast +, Crown +, Heart +, Shoulders +, Soul + and Throat +