Mage Hunter (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-9-13
Status: Complete
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Mage Hunter

A ranger dedicated to hunting spellcasters.

Class: Ranger

Level: 1st through 19th

Replaces: Favored Enemy (1st level), Wild Empathy, Endurance, Animal Companion, Spells, Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Camouflage, Hide in Plain Sight.

Benefit: See below.

A mage hunter preparing for another battle with magic.

"Don't be afraid of their smoke and mirrors. Once you take away their magical toys, they're nothing but commoners with an ego."

Mage Hunters are rangers dedicated to hunting down spellcasters of any sort, priming their abilities away from revering nature and handling wild beasts and towards fighting the powers both arcane and divine.

Skills: Lose Handle Animal, Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Knowledge (geography). Gain Disguise, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), and Spellcraft.

1st Level: Lose your 1st level Favored Enemy and Wild Empathy, and gain the following.

Detect Magic (Sp): You may use detect magic at will.

Favored Enemy Spellcasters (Ex): Your favored enemy is against spellcasters. It covers any creature with spellcasting or spell-like abilities. It is otherwise treated as a favored enemy selection, and you may select from the usual list for future favored enemies at 5th level and beyond.

Magic Track (Su): You may use Spellcraft in place of Survival for the purpose of tracking creatures subject to favored enemy spellcasters.

3rd Level: Lose Endurance, and gain the following.

Mage Slayer: Gain the Mage SlayerCA feat as a bonus feat. The penalty to caster level from this feat and feats based off it does not apply to your ranger spells or spell-like abilities gained from this class.

4th Level: Lose Animal Companion and Spells, and gain the following.

Counter Cast (Ex): As an immediate reaction in response to spellcasting you have successfully identified with a Spellcraft check, you can counterspell (typically with your dispel magic spell). This uses up the spell as normal.

Spells: You lose the typical ranger spell list and gain a new one (shown below). Spells are cast using your full ranger level for your caster level. In addition, the mage hunter ranger knows +1 more spell per level than the typical ranger (so he knows one 1st level spell at 4th level, instead of zero).

1st—accelerated movementSpC, alarm, amanuensisSpC, arrow mindSpC, blades of fireSpC, bloodhoundSpC, buzzing beeSpC, camouflageSpC, climb wallsSpC, crabwalkSpC, cure light wounds, darkvision, dawnSpC, deep breathSpC, detect favored enemySpC, detect secret doors, dispel magic, easy trailSpC, endure elements, erase, hawkeyeSpC, healing lorecallSpC, hunter's mercySpC, identify, jump, lay of the landSpC, lightfootSpC, longstrider, low-light visionSpC, magic weapon, marked objectSpC, nerveskitterSpC, nondetection, obscure object, omen of perilSpC, pass without trace, portal beaconSpC, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ram's mightSpC, rapid burrowingSpC, read magic, resist energy, resist planar alignmentSpC, resurganceSpC, rhino's rushSpC, scentSpC, silent portalSpC, sniper's shotSpC, stalking brandSpC, summon monster I, surefootSpC, surefooted strideSpC, thunderheadSpC, towering oakSpC, traveler's mountSpC, wings of the seaSpC

2nd—analyze portalSpC, anticipate teleportationSpC, arcane sight, assay spell resistanceSpC, attune formSpC, balancing lorecallSpC, barkskin, bear's endurance, briar webSpC, bull's strength, burrowSpC, cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, curse of impending bladesSpC, deeper darkvisionSpC, detect scrying, discern shapechangerSpC, dimensional anchor, dimension door, eagle's splendor, exacting shotSpC, explosive runes, fly, fox's cunning, greater alarmSpC, greater resistanceSpC, lesser globe of invulnerability, lion's chargeSpC, listening lorecallSpC, locate creature, mass camouflageSpC, one with the landSpC, owl's wisdom, protection from energy, ray of deanimationSpC, ray deflectionSpC, ray of stupiditySpC, rebukeSpC, remove curse, scramble portalSpC, scrying, secret page, sepia snake sigil, silence, spider climb, spike growth, stifle, summon monster II, suppress gylphSpC, swift hasteSpC

3rd—analyze dweomer, antimagic field, arrow stormSpC, blade stormSpC, bottle of smokeSpC, break enchantment, cure serious wounds, false vision, feeblemind, forestfold (includes urban terrain)SpC, globe of invulnerability, greater anticipate teleportationSpC, greater dispel magic, greater endure elements, greater magic weapon, greater rebukeSpC, mark of the hunterSpC, mass burrowSpC, mass curse of inpending bladesSpC, mass resurganceSpC, mind fog, overland flight, prying eyes, refusalSpC, ruby ray of reversalSpC, safe clearingSpC, seal portalSpC, spell dampen, summon monster III, superior resistanceSpC, symbol of spell lossSpC, teleport, true seeing, wall of dispel magicSpC

4th—antimagic raySpC, banishment, binding, cure critical wounds, cursed bladeSpC, dimensional lock, discern location, ethereal jaunt, foebaneSpC, ghost trapSpC, greater arcane sight, freedom of movement, implacable pursuerSpC, land wombSpC, mass surefooted strideSpC, plane shift, protection from spells, reaving dispelSpC, spell turning, summon monster IV, unbindingSpC, wall of greater dispel magicSpC

7th Level: Lose Woodland Stride, and gain the following.

Ensorcelled Stride (Ex): You are treated as if under freedom of movement against spells and spell-like effects. For example, you move normally in a solid fog and cannot be grappled by a grasping hand or summoned creature, but you still are impeded by natural difficult terrain and can be grappled by a normal or called creature.

8th Level: Lose Swift Tracker, and gain the following.

Dimensional Tracker (Ex): You can track spellcasting creatures through the air and water as easily as you do on land (base DC 20), and may track them across dimensions or if they have teleported. If your target has teleported or changed planes, you can determine which plane they have gone with with a base DC 30 check, and their exact position with a +20 to the DC. For example, a fleeing spellcaster plane shifted away while in mid air, and the trail is fresh. The DC is 30 (cross-planar) to determine they went to the astral plane, and +20 (DC 50) to determine where on the astral plane.

9th Level: Lose Evasion, and gain the following.

Spell Resistance (Su): The mage hunter gains spell resistance equal to their HD + 11. They may allow willing or harmless spells through as a free action.

12th Level: Gain the following.

Rapid Detect Magic (Sp): You may complete all 3 rounds of study with your detect magic ability in a single standard action.

13th Level: Lose Camouflage, and gain the following.

Nondetection (Su): You are under a constant nondetection effect equal to your caster level.

14th Level: Gain the following.

Slippery Mind (Ex): This ability represents the mage hunter’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. If a mage hunter with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

16th Level: Gain the following.

Identify Spellcaster (Ex): When you make a successful Spellcraft check against a spell effect or magic item, you can identify the spellcaster. This does not give you a name, so much as a unique signature which you can identify upon seeing the spellcaster with detect magic or witnessing one of their spells.

17th Level: Lose Hide in Plain Sight, and gain the following.

Hide from Divinations (Ex): You are completely immune to all divination spells and effects. In addition, Power Word spells do not function on you. You may suppress this ability as a free action if you are wishing to be found.

Hide from Magic Traps (Ex): You do not trigger magical traps of any kind, including explosive runes.

18th Level: Gain the following.

Spell Devouring (Su): Spells which fail to penetrate your spell resistance instead heal you for 1 hp per caster level of the spell effect.

19th Level: Gain the following.

Null Attack (Su): You gain a special form of death attack (as per an assassin). After 3 rounds of study, instead of dealing sneak attack damage, paralysis, or death, the target must make a Will save or lose their spellcasting and spell-like abilities for 1 round/level. The DC for this ability is 10 + 1/2 HD + Wisdom modifier. It counts as a death attack for the purpose of feats and other effects which augment death attack.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5656 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
ClassRanger +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByLeziad + and HarrowedMind +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA ranger dedicated to hunting spellcasters. +
TitleMage Hunter +