Ironclad Berserker (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 31st July 2022
Status: Complete
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Ironclad Berserker

A heavily armored samurai who disregard the use of a mount, using her raw unabated fury to bring her foes down. The ironclad berserker stand victorious against army, with her bloodied blade in hand,

Class: Samurai

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Mount, Mounted Archer, Bonus Feats

Benefit: A ironclad blademaster gain the following class features:

Furious Challenge (Ex): An ironclad berserker does not challenge only a single opponent in honorable single combat, instead she challenges entire armies. When an ironclad berserker declares a challenge she does not target a creature, instead she enters a state of utmost focus and fury. She treats any opponent in melee combat with her at the start of her turn as the target of her challenge for 1 round. Any opponent who attacks the ironclad berserker, either in melee or ranged, is also treated as target of her challenge until the end of her next turn.

Unlike a regular samurai, the ironclad berserker has no daily use of challenge. Instead an ironclad berserker can use her furious challenge a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + twice her class level + her Constitution modifier, which does not need to be consecutive. She may drop out of her furious challenge at any time, leaving her fatigued for 1 round. A ironclad berserker cannot declare a new furious challenge while fatigued from this effect.

Otherwise a furious challenge behaves as a normal challenge.

This ability replaces mount and alters challenge.

Battlefield Menace (Ex): A ironclad berserker is an intimidating presence on the battlefield. capable of making lesser men cower. At 4th level she gain Dazzling Display as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites, and while wearing medium or heavy armor she gain half her level as a bonus on Intimidate check.

Additionally, when the ironclad berserker declare her challenge she may use her Dazzling Display as a free action.

This ability replaces mounted archer.

Rage Power (Ex): At 6th level and each 6 levels thereafter, an ironclad berserker gains a rage power as a barbarian of her level. Instead of using these powers while raging, the ironclad berserker may use her rage powers while using her furious challenge. A power that is usable once per rage is instead usable once per challenge.

This ability replaces the samurai’s bonus feat.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4508 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassSamurai +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA heavily armored samurai who disregard the use of a mount, using her raw unabated fury to bring her foes down. The ironclad berserker stand victorious against army, with her bloodied blade in hand, +
TitleIronclad Berserker +