User:Zhenra-Khal/Z's Warlock (5e Class)/Occult Boons

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Occult Boons[edit]

Boon of the Artisan[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a myriad form, shaping itself to express your inner art, and allowing you to create physical things from your mind. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have never been allowed to express themselves, and find their power bursting from them in multicolored hues.

Maker's Medium[edit]

Boon of the Bastion[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a towering shield, granting you the ability to shield others from harm. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who felt defenseless at a key point in their life, and vow never to be helpless again.

Bonded Aegis[edit]

Boon of the Beacon[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a lantern, lamp, candle, or other small object that sheds light, revealing hidden truths to you. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have been deceived and kept in the dark, and now seek to know the truth.

Truth-Seeker's Beacon[edit]

Boon of the Blade[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a weapon, infusing you with deadly martial power. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who seek justice or vengeance, righteous bloodshed, or a way to carve out a meaningful place for themselves in the world.

Bonded Weapons[edit]

Boon of the Chain[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a companion, a creature that helps to protect and guide you. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have spent their lives alone, and need someone to lean on.

Chained Companion[edit]

Boon of the Chalice[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a cup, jar, bowl or bottle, a vessel from which the ambrosia of life flows, granting you incredible alchemical talent. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have fallen ill or lost a loved one to sickness, and seek to restore their version of balance to the world.

Ambrosial Chalice[edit]

Boon of the Deck[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a game of chance, allowing you to twist fate and overcome impossible odds - However, this power can be unpredictable at best. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have been plagued with misfortune for as long as they can remember, and their power shifts to turn the tables.

Deck of Fate[edit]

Boon of the Mask[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a disguise, allowing you to blend in, disappear, and cast off who you used to be. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who don't know who they really are, or envy others to the point of losing themselves, and thus they gain the power to become what they desire so badly.

Deceiver's Mask[edit]

Boon of the Nomad[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a mode of transportation, usually shoes, boots, slippers or other footwear, but occasionally anklets or something more exotic, like floating wheels or rings that hover beneath the feet. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have things in their life they wish to run from or otherwise escape, and allows their master to move unhindered and faster than most would ever dream of.

Nomad's Tread[edit]

Boon of the Talisman[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a small piece of jewelry, such as a brooch, necklace, bracelet, diadem, belt buckle or cloak clasp, and grants the wearer a fragment of your power. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who walk their path out of selflessness or total faith, and wish nothing more than to share the gifts they've been given.

Harbinger's Idol[edit]

Boon of the Tome[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a writing medium, such as a large book, a scroll, stone tablet, or rarely even a tattoo or birthmark in the form of unintelligible words. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who seek magical knowledge - And power - Above all else, be it to change the world for the better, or destroy it.

Book of Erudition[edit]

Boon of the Unleashed[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into an otherworldly form, enhancing your body to make you stronger, faster, tougher and more deadly. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have been crippled or lost a limb, and seek to make themselves whole - Or to warlocks who know not the blessings of civilization, and slowly become more monstrous than human.

Otherworldly Form[edit]

Boon of the Vestment[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a special garment, such as a tunic, jacket, coat or dress, and allows you to wear your power like a second skin, a sacred armor for all to see - And revere or dread. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have spent their lives poor and cast aside, freed from poverty and squalor by their beautiful gift.

Speaker's Shroud[edit]

Boon of the Virtuoso[edit]

Your Influence forms itself into a musical instrument, allowing you to pluck beautiful notes from the ether and weave them together into a song that rivals the melody of creation. This Boon often awakens within Warlocks who have spent their lives in someone else's shadow, never quite good enough to be recognized, so their power shifts to put them in the spotlight.

Maestro's Implement[edit]