Cosmin (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 23/06/2022
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Humanoids born in the deep of space or transformed from mortals, they have small stars or black holes for heads.


Cosmins are distant but not cold, always looking upward, reaching for the stars with their minds and souls. They long for the freedom of the high atmosphere and even beyond that. They are quite competitive and strong-willed, but their reasoning and views may seem strange to others.

Physical Description

They look as humanoids, of any size and build, with a head made of pure energy, looking like a fiery ball (astralchild cosmin) or like a black hole (voidhead cosmin). The colour and shape of their head changes from individual to individual, with no specific pattern. Cosmins are born in various ways, some are spawned by the combination of star energy with organic matter, others are born from the cold void of space, while others are ascended humanoids whose nature is radically changed. They are genderless, but their bodies may display any kind of features, and their voices and mind can be masculine, feminine or neither. Their bodies may really be of any kind, such as dwarf-like, elven-like or human-like, but all have a dulled colors and sometimes a stony appearance.


Beyond their natural aloofness, each cosmin is distinctly different from the others, just as varied in personality as humans can be. Because of this they are treated according to their behaviour, at least if others see past their strange appearance.


Any, cosmins' alignments are as varied as them.


Cosmins can be found in any place, though the Astral Plane and space are their favorite places. They usually don't form communities among themselves.


They are very spiritual but don't follow any specific deity or religion. Each individual cosmin can worship any god they want, or don't do it at all.


They speak Abyssal, Aklo, Anarch, Celestial or Infernal as first languages, being ingrained in their minds at the moment of their birth, and can then learn whatever other languages they want.


Any, they don't have any specific naming conventions but they like to incorporate space-related terms in their names.

Racial Traits

Astralchild Cosmin

  • Aberration (Xenoblooded): Despite their humanoid physique they have an alien physiology and mind. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a starchild cosmin has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Starchild Cosmin base land speed is 30 feet. Cosmins have an hover speed equal to half their land speed with perfect maneuverability. 
  • Darkvision: A starchild cosmin can see in the dark up to 60 (18 meters) feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a starchild cosmin can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Ageless (Ex): Cosmins don't age, nor mentally neither physically, so they don't receive any penalty nor bonus from aging. They die of natural causes when their time comes, as normal. 
  • Alter Gravity (Su): They can replicate the spell alter gravity at will as a supernatural ability. Caster level equal to their HD. If they gain a fly speed, they may increase their maneuverability by one step or their speed by 30 feet for 1 round as a swift action. 
  • Cosmic Radiance (Ex): A cosmin's head has the form of a burning star which emanates light. They produce a light like that of a candle from their head. They may use a swift action every turn to dim their light to imperceptible radiations. 
  • Gravity Manipulation: They gain a +1 to the DC of any effect, magic, psionic power or maneuver that involves the manipulation of gravity, such as their Alter Gravity feature. 
  • Low Gravity Frame (Ex): Cosmins' physique is adapted for low gravity, gaining the Low Gravity Frame flaw and suffering its effects without gaining the extra feat. They avoid these penalties, while benefitting from the positive effects of the flaw, if they become trained for the effects of normal or heavier gravity, such as if they train in the Gravity Field. 
  • Space Adaptation (Ex): Cosmins do not need to breathe and are immune to effects based on breathing. They are also immune to the effects of deep space, such as the cold, radiations, vacuum and any other dangerous effect. This benefit applies only while in space and only against natural hazards of deep space. 
  • Astralstrike (Ex): Cosmins may use their heads to produce a burning force that deals damage. As a touch attack, once per round using a standard action, they can hit a target and inflict 1d4 +1 per 2 HD (no Strength added) of astralfire damage (half fire, half radiance damage). This attack isn't magical but can still affect ethereal creatures as if it was (50% chance of success). If they attack an object they deal double damage and ignore any hardness, but they can destroy only one object (or section of one) per Constitution modifier (minimum 1) per day, as the destroyed object is absorbed in their body as if it was eaten. They infact still need to eat but can eat anything that they can destroy thanks to their Astralstrike. The destroyed target counts as if it was disintegrated. This attack can interact normally with [Force] effects.
  • Automatic Languages: One from chosen among the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Anarch, Axial, Celestial or Infernal
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret ones
  • Favored Class: Monk
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Voidhead Cosmin

  • Aberration (Xenoblooded): Despite their humanoid physique they have an alien physiology and mind. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a void cosmin has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Void Cosmin base land speed is 30 feet. Cosmins have an hover speed equal to half their land speed with perfect maneuverability. 
  • Darkvision: A void cosmin can see in the dark up to 60 (18 meters) feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a void cosmin can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Ageless (Ex): Cosmins don't age, nor mentally neither physically, so they don't receive any penalty nor bonus from aging. They die of natural causes when their time comes, as normal. 
  • Alter Gravity (Su): They can replicate the spell alter gravity at will as a supernatural ability. Caster level equal to their HD. If they gain a fly speed, they may increase their maneuverability by one step or their speed by 30 feet for 1 round as a swift action. 
  • Cosmic Radiance: A cosmin's head has the form of a gaping black hole. They swallow light creating shadowy illumination within their square, in which they can see perfectly. They may use a swift action every turn to reduce the gravitational effect to imperceptible strength. 
  • Gravity Manipulation: They gain a +1 to the DC of any effect, magic, psionic power or maneuver that involves the manipulation of gravity, such as their Alter Gravity feature. 
  • Low Gravity Frame (Ex): Cosmins' physique is adapted for low gravity, gaining the Low Gravity Frame flaw and suffering its effects without gaining the extra feat. They avoid these penalties, while benefitting from the positive effects of the flaw, if they become trained for the effects of normal or heavier gravity, such as if they train in the Gravity Field. 
  • Space Adaptation (Ex): Cosmins do not need to breathe and are immune to effects based on breathing. They are also immune to the effects of deep space, such as the cold, radiations, vacuum and any other dangerous effect. This benefit applies only while in space and only against natural hazards of deep space. 
  • Voidbite (Ex): Cosmins may use their heads to produce a crushing force that deals damage. As a touch attack, once per round using a standard action, they can hit a target and inflict 1d4 +1 per 2 HD (no Strength added) of untyped damage. This attack isn't magical but can still affect ethereal creatures as if it was (50% chance of success). If they attack an object they deal double damage and ignore any hardness, but they can destroy only one object (or section of one) per Constitution modifier (minimum 1) per day, as the destroyed object is absorbed in their body as if it was eaten. They infact still need to eat but can eat anything that they can destroy thanks to their Voidbite. The destroyed target counts as if it was disintegrated. This attack can interact normally with [Force] effects.
  • Automatic Languages: One from chosen among the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Anarch, Axial, Celestial or Infernal
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret ones
  • Favored Class: Monk
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options

  • Cosmin Voidfist: Cosmin monks who enhance their natural abilities and eventually become immortal. Many take also the Meteorite Monk alternate class feature, which complements well their monk abilities.


Pathfinder Options

Add a +2 to any attribute of your choice for Pathfinder games.

Rituals of Cosmic Ascension

Sometimes cosmins are born from the ascension of an extraordinary individual, in a way similar to how elans are made. Sometimes this transformation may be apparently casual, sometimes it can be triggered, but there's no definitive way on how to obtain it.

What's important is that a creature that undergoes such transformation loses its race, templates and classes and all their benefits and effects, along with feats, ability scores bonuses and penalties and reverts to being a 1st level character with no recollection of its previous life, sometimes maintaining a vague physical similarity (but not always). Even its personality, sex and alignment may change. It gains instead all the cosmin racial features here presented.

The character may choose which kind of cosmin it becomes.

Simple Racial Traits

These are racial traits for use with the simplified races rules.

  • Aberration (Xenoblooded)
  • Medium or Small or Large size
  • Base land speed of 30 feet. Hover speed half their land speed
  • Combat Ability - Astralstrike/Voidbite: Once per round, as a standard action makes a touch attack that deals 1d4 + HD of astralfire damage (half fire, half radiance)/untyped damage against the target. Against objects it deals double damage and ignores hardness. It can interact with [Force] effects.
  • Passive Ability - Space Adaption: Breathless and immune to environmental hazars from outer space. Denies penalties from heavy and light gravity if it trains one minute in each via the Alter Gravity ability. If the revised gravity rules are used, also treats low and extreme gravity as light and heavy respectively. The effects last for one day.
  • Utility Ability - Alter Gravity: Replicate the spell alter gravity at will (no more than once per round) as a supernatural ability, with caster level equal to their HD.

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Facts about "Cosmin (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassMonk +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability AdjustmentsNone +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeXenoblooded +
SummaryHumanoids born in the deep of space or transformed from mortals, they have small stars or black holes for heads. +
TitleCosmin +
TypeAberration +