Genie (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15th December 2021
Status: Complete
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This alternate class feature transforms the Dragon magazine Sha'ir into a full genie. A genie has greater control over her spellcasting and the ability to grant wishes to others. However despite their great power, a genie must follow a few rules.

Class: Sha'irDragon Magazine

Prerequisites: Must be an outsider aligned with the elemental planes.

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: All Class Features, Spellcasting (Altered),

Benefit: A genie gains the following class features:

Spellcasting: A genie casts spells as a sha'ir except she does not need to send her Gen familiar to retrieve spells for her. Instead when she retrieves spells she spends time in communion with her masters, which must not be interrupted or otherwise the effort wasted. When she retrieve spells that are spell known to her, she only need to gather her own power for 1 round and does not need to make a Diplomacy checks.

When casting a spell through the Wishbound Arcana ability (see below) she can attempt to retrieve a spell as a free action. However while doing so, all diplomacy penalties of retrieving the spell are doubled. She must use the retrieved spell to fulfill the wish and if she fails to do so the spell ceases to be retrieved.

This ability alters spellcasting.

Code of Conduct (Ex): While most genies are capricious and sometimes even malevolent, many (such as you) are bound by a strict code of conduct. During character creation a genie chooses three rules from the list below. A genie's spell fizzles if she attempts to fulfill a wish which breaks one of her rules. If a rule is purely behavioral the genie is treated under the effect of suggestion with no save to follow it. If a genie is magically forced to break a rule or somehow tricked into doing so, the genie suffers no consequences for doing so. The list of rules a genie might select is as follow:

  • I must grant a particular individual no more than three wishes.
  • I cannot grant a wish that directly harms the wisher unless they have attempted or are attempting to directly harm me.
  • I must not grant wishes that allow the individual to harm the innocent, or directly grant a wish that harms the innocent.
  • If an individual knows my name, and speaks it before me, I shall grant them a single wish.
  • If someone holds a token or possession of mine, and offers to trade it for a wish. I must honor that trade.
  • I must follow any agreement I make, but only insofar as my wishing abilities are concerned.
  • I must be absolutely truthful with a would-be wisher and inform them of the consequences of a wish they might make and what I will do thereafter. But only if I am asked.
  • I must give ample warning about the result of a particular wish while outside of a combat situation. My warning does not need to be clear or specific.

If a genie has to honor wishes, she is free to still twist them to her liking. Afterward the genie can freely visit their wrath on the foolish wisher. If a genie would be forced to grant a wish but cannot grant that wish because of a lack of power or general impossibility, she must politely inform the wisher of that fact and wait for an alternative wish. If a wisher wastes a genie’s time she is free to wander away until they make up their mind.

Since the rules she follows are part of a genie, a Knowledge (The Planes) checks DC 25 reveals the rules a particular genie follows.

Wishmaker (Su): A genie gain the Wishcraft Sorcerer's Wishbound Arcana ability at 1st level. At 5th level she gains the Heart’s Desire ability, at 7th level the Twisted Wish ability and the Perfect Wishcraft ability at 18th level.

This ability replaces Summon Gen Familiar, Elemental Protection, Call Janni, Call Genie and Craft Genie Prison class abilities.

Genie Physiology: At 3rd level, a genie chooses one of the following sorcerer bloodline: Djinni, Efreet, Marid or Shaitan. The chosen bloodline usually matches the genie's own elemental subtype. The genie gains the Bloodline Powers listed at 3rd level, 9th level, 15th level and 20th level at the same listed level. She uses her sha'ir level as her sorcerer level to determine the effect of the granted powers. She does not gain any other aspect of the bloodline.

This ability replaces Recognize Genie Works and Elemental Travel.

Genie Talents: At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a genie gains a single genie talent from the list below. She cannot select the same talents multiple times unless noted otherwise.

Additional Domains (Ex): A genie with this talent chooses two domains beside the Air, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Sun, and Water domain. She adds the chosen domains' spells to the divine spells she can retrieve. A genie can select this genie talent multiple times, choosing two additional domains each time.

Bloodline Spells (Ex): A genie with this talent adds the spells of her chosen bloodline to her spell known at the same listed level as a sorcerer of her level. This does not count against her normal limit of spells known.

Domain Specialization (Ex): A genie with this talent chooses a single domain from the following list: Air, Chaos, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Law, Luck, Sun, and Water domain or any domains selected through the additional domains talent. She gains the chosen domain's powers as a cleric of her level. She counts the spells on the chosen domain list as arcane spells for the purpose of retrieving them.

Quick Retrieval (Ex): A genie with talent can retrieve a spell she knows as a move action. Additionally the retrieval time of any other spell is halved.

Potent Magic (Ex): A genie with this talent chooses a single spell descriptor. Any healing or damage done by spells with the chosen descriptor increases by +1 per die and harmful spells with the chosen descriptor have their DC increased by 1. A genie can select this genie talent multiple times, choosing a different descriptor every time.

Unchained Genie (Ex): A genie with this talent chooses a single rule from her code of conduct and discards it, leaving her with only two rules. Additionally the genie gains a +2 bonus on Will save to resist Compulsion effect. A genie may select this genie talent twice, leaving her with a single rule and granting her a +4 bonus on Will save against compulsion effect.

Wish of Life (Su): A genie with this talent can cast resurrection as a full-round action once per day. She must use this ability as part of a wish. A genie must be 20th level to select this genie talent.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4508 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
ClassSha'irDragon Magazine +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThis alternate class feature transforms the Dragon magazine Sha'ir into a full genie. A genie has greater control over her spellcasting and the ability to grant wishes to others. However despite their great power, a genie must follow a few rules. +
TitleGenie +