Debilitating Allergy (3.5e Flaw)

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Author: PeachyFairyFox (talk)
Date Created: 10/01/2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Debilitating Allergy

You are highly allergic to Oozes, Puddings and Slimes.

Prerequisite: May not be immune to oozes, puddings, or slimes.

Effect: When exposed to your allergy (within 5 feet) make a Fort DC 10 save or begin sneezing uncontrollably, causing the staggered condition.
If you make direct, uninhibited, physical touch contact, then you must make a Fort DC 14 save or break out into itchy hives, suffering a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Additionally, you are panicked if you fail the save by 5 or more.
You may attempt a save at the end of each of your turns to remove these conditions, so long as you move more than 30 feet away from the allergy source.

Benefit: Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: List of creatures that count for this Drawback:
Oozes: Adaptive, Amber, Blood, Brain, Capacitor, Carnivorous Crystal, Choleric, Choke, Chromatic, Color Out of Space, Coven, Crystal, Dark Matter, Deathtrap, Ebon, Emerald, Emotion, Entropic, Garden, Glacial, Grey [Gray], Gunpowder, Hag Eye, Id, Magma, Melancholic, Metallic, Mercury, Mimic, Phlegmatic, Plasma, Putrid, Pyronite, Rust, Sanguine, Sewer, Tallow, Vampiric, Vaultbreaker, Verdurous, Yeast.
Gels: Gelatinous, Ebony, Electric, Frost.
Jellies: Etheric, Jolly Jelly, Mustard, Ochre, Stun, Tar, Tyrant, Whip.
Puddings: Arctic, Behemoth, Black, Blood, Brown, Dun, Stone, White, Zvucni.
Other: Ambergrim, Amoeba, Apallie, Blight, Bogscum, Boilborn, Carnivorous blob, Cerebric Cyst, Crawling Slurry, Diger, Doppeldrek, Ectoplasm, Fire Vampire, Formless Spawn, Freezing flow, Glimmerhollow, Globster, Gravesludge, Green Slime, Hungry flesh, Hungry fog, Immortal Ichor, Lightning bladder, Living Lake, Living mirage, Living monolith, Living Nebula, Livingstone, Mezlan, Mudbog, Oblivion, Radiant Essence, Riftcreeper, Roiling Oil, Sea scourge, Sewer sludge, Slime Mould, Slithering Pit, Slithering tracker, Skincreeper, Spawn of Juiblex, Shard slag, Star Blight, Tear of burning flame, Tear of nuruu'gal, Toxic Eradicator, Trapper, Vespergaunt.
These include size variations and swarms of the listed creatures.
The GM may determine if a creature not on this list counts for the allergy, to account for new or missed material.

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AuthorPeachyFairyFox +
Flaw GrantsAny bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. +
Identifier3.5e Flaw +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou are highly allergic to Oozes, Puddings and Slimes. +
TitleDebilitating Allergy +