Athazagoraphobia (3.5e Flaw)

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Revision as of 19:18, 2 October 2023 by PeachyFairyFox (talk | contribs) (You have a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten.)
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Author: PeachyFairyFox (talk)
Date Created: 10/01/2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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You have a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten.

Prerequisite: You may not use feats or class abilities or the like that allow you to forget something in order to replace it with something else.

Effect: Spells such as Modify Memory, Anonymous Interaction and any others which cause memory loss, to which you fail your save on, also cause you to become Frightened in addition to their effects for 1 minute (10 rounds).
If you succeed on your save, you are still Shaken for 1 minute, even if you were not aware of the spell being cast on you, due to cognitive discomfort.
Certain curses, rituals, diseases, poisons, drugs, items, alchemical injections, hazards, planes, places, supernatural abilities such as those of an Aboleth, Umber hulk, False Hydra and Maelephant, that erase memories, and any other effect that causes you to lose a memory also have the same effect as detailed above.
If you fail a recall knowledge check, you become shaken for 1 minute (10 rounds).

Benefit: Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: If anything would ever make you immune to fear, you still suffer the penalties of fear related to this drawback.

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AuthorPeachyFairyFox +
Flaw GrantsAny bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites. +
Identifier3.5e Flaw +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou have a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten. +
TitleAthazagoraphobia +