Talk:Overland Rush (3.5e Feat)
Paging Sonic the Hedgehog...
Overland speed multiplied by 100. Oh boy. Considering that the average human can move 30 feet in a single move action, or 60 feet in a double move action (so, 60 feet in 6 seconds if moving at a decently fast pace), 120 feet as a full-round action when running (so that's 120 feet in 6 seconds)... So, a running human moves at 1,200 feet in a minute, which would work out to 72,000 feet in an hour if a human could run for that long without ever slowing down, which is equal to 13.6363-repeating miles per hour. The math works out: it's been established that a human can run this fast in real life. With the Run feat giving a ×5 multiplier to base move speed when running (rather than the default ×4), that's 150 feet in 6 seconds, working out to 1,500 feet per minute, working out to 90,000 feet per hour, equal to 17.04545-repeating miles per hour. Again, well-trained runners in real life can run this fast.
Now, if we multiply the default feet per hour by 100, we have a character running at a rate of 7,200,000 feet per hour (9,000,000 feet per hour with the Run feat), which is equal to 1363.6363-repeating miles per hour without the Run feat, or 1704.5454-repeating miles per hour with the Run feat. The former value is nearly Mach 2. The latter value is nearly Mach 3. Throw in increases to base speed, like the sort the barbarian or the monk get, and it just gets more insane from there. An epic-level monk might be able to break the speed of light, which should not be physically possible.
Welp. Now I finally know how to make Sonic the Hedgehog in Dungeons and Dragons without making him feel far slower than he should. Actually, he might even be too fast. All with just one feat.
Is that really what you wanted? --Luigifan18 (talk) 20:04, 23 November 2017 (MST)
- Overland speed actually has a table. For the 30 ft human, it's 3 mph. At x100, it's 300 mph, though since you can do it non-stop you can cover x3 distance (just not x3 speed). That, and fluff-wise it's not just speed, but a combination of shortcuts, speed, and luck. At that level, you can wander into another plane at that point, so you're probably doing "Half A Press" nonsense to move at that point. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 23:05, 23 November 2017 (MST)
- That table accounts for the fact that people cannot run full-tilt for literally hours at a time — something that a character with this feat can do easily. It would therefore need to be adjusted. --Luigifan18 (talk) 01:03, 24 November 2017 (MST)
- Running is a different source of fatigue and exhaustion than travel - one that people with this feat wouldn't be immune to. --Undead_Knave (talk) 01:11, 24 November 2017 (MST)
- This really doesn't feel moderate. Moderate feats tend to somewhat tune a character's existing abilities to be more useful, not completely add an entire field of expertise like nonmagical teleportation. --Foxwarrior (talk) 18:27, 24 October 2024 (UTC)