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Hello Community! I'm a bit of an eccentric. As a long-time fan of both D&D and Warhammer40k, you'll probably see a bit of mixing of the genres from this humble tech-priest. I'm particularly drawn to the more artificial aspects of the default Dungeons & Dragons universe: undead, constructs, soul-powered doomsday devices. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and get a little wordy, but hopefully we'll still get along. Let's become good friends! Please post any notes you have for me on my talk page rather than here. Thanks in advance for your interest!

Obsession I: Necromancer

I'm gonna check if anyone else has drafted a sensible Necromancer class here on Dungeons. If not, I'm thinking of pursuing that myself. The Beastmaster Ranger is a good base to start from, I think, with the Shaman as an additional point of reference. Another idea I might pursue is an new Warlock pact for servants of Orcus. The pact boon might create a wraith-like hazard at the unfortunate victims position that lasts a round, reminiscent of the effects of Orcus' scepter.

Necromancer (4e Class)

"Any fool adept can create a horde of wretched shambling minions. A true master of undeath prefers quality over quantity."

Class Traits:

Role: Controller. You channel dark energies through your undead companion, shaping the battlefield with your terrifying magic.
Power Source: Shadow. Your power comes from an undersnding of life and death, a combination of mystic devotion and cold science. As such, you draw upon the same energies of the Shadowfell that animate most undead.
Key Abilities: Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Armour Proficiencies: Cloth
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged
Implements: Daggers, Orbs
Bonus to Defense: +2 Fortitude
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Arcana or Religion (your choice). From the class skills list below, chose four more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int)
Build Options:
Class Features:

{{4e Class Traits |role=Controler. You channel dark energies, often through your undead companion, shaping the battlefield with your terrifying magic. |power_source=Shadow. Your power comes from an undersnding of life and death, a combination of mystic devotion and cold science. As such, you draw upon the same energies of the Shadowfell that animate most undead. |abilities=Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom |armor=Cloth |weapons=Simple melee, simple ranged |implements=Dagger, [[Orb, Arcane Implement (4e Equipment)|Orb |defense=+2 Fortitude |level_1_hp=12 |hp_per_level=5 |healing_per_day=6 |surgeability=Constitution |auto_skills=Arcana or Religion |#_of_skills=four |skills=Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Nature (Wis), Religion (Int) |builds=Cursing Necromancer, Bolstering Necromancer |features= }}

Necromancers seek to master the secrets of undeath by studying the nature of both mortality and magic. They are masters of the forces governing life and death, using their expertise to tap into the true potential of their undead companions. Perhaps they have a great many minions - fruits of their experimentation thusfar, but they are quick to realize the benefits of subtlety in a world hostile to their Dark Arts.
   You were entranced by the secrets of mortality and the possibilities offered by undeath. The forbidden lore that would repulse another is your bread and butter. Perhaps you aspire to command an army of undead and secure a realm of your own. Or do you wish to join their ranks as an Archlich?
   Whatever your goals, you have much to learn. You've gathered a band of adventurers around yourself - a rare bunch who can tollerate your taboo obsession. Will you achieve your dreams? Or will fate catch you in its crosshairs, just another corpse to be animated by your peers?

Creating a Necromancer

The necromancer has two basic builds to start: the cursing necromancer and the bolstering necromancer. Necromancers rely upon Constitution for their attacks. Wisdom aids their curses, while Intelligence aids their companion-centric powers and AC.

I'll work on this more a little later... (gonna describe build options here.)


Necromancer Class Features

You have the following class features.

Undead Mastry

You gain an undead companion, chosen from one of these categories: Skeleton, Wraith, Zombie.

More to come later...

Ritual Casting

You gain the Ritual Caster feat (PH 200) as a bonus feat, allowing you to use magical rituals.

Undead Companions

Skeleton Statistics

Ability Scores: Strength 14, Constitution 12, Dexterity 16, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Defense: AC 12 + level, Fortitude 12 + level, Reflex 12 + level, Will 10 + level
Hit Points: 12 + 8 per level
Attack Bonus: Level + 4
Melee Basic Attack: Claw; level + 4 vs. AC; 1d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Opportunity Attacks: A skeleton gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll when making an opportunity attack.
Trained Skills: Endurance, Perception

Wraith Statistics

Ability Scores: Strength 4, Constitution 12, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 12, Charisma 16
Size: Medium
Speed: fly 6 Squares (hover), phasing
Defense: AC 12 + level, Fortitude 10 + level, Reflex 12 + level, Will 12 + level
Hit Points: 8 + 4 per level
Insubstantial: A wraith has insubstantial.
Attack Bonus: Level + 2
Melee Basic Attack: Shadow Touch; level + 2 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.
Combat Advantage: When a wraith has combat advantage against a target, it deals extra necrotic damage equal to 1d6 per tier.
Trained Skills: Perception, Stealth

Zombie Statistics

Ability Scores: Strength 16, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 Squares
Defense: AC 12 + level, Fortitude 14 + level, Reflex 10 + level, Will 10 + level
Hit Points: 16 + 10 per level
Attack Bonus: Level + 2
Melee Basic Attack: Slam; level + 2 vs. AC; 1d12 + Strength modifier damage.
Grabbing: Targets grabbed by a zombie take a -5 penalty on checks made to escape.
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance

Companions logically capable of carrying weapons may make basic attacks with them instead (ie. skeletons and zombies, but not wraiths).

Animate Undead Companion (4e Ritual)

The remains stand and stare at you with unnatural cunning, prepared to serve and fight at your direction.

Level: 1 Component Cost: 50gp
Category: Restoration Market Price: None
Time: 4 hours Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Durration: Instantaneous

This ritual allows you to animate a suitable humanoid corpse as an undead companion. It may only be used by a Necromancer with the Undead Mastry class feature and only if his/her previous companion has been destroyed or dismissed.
   The undead companion may be either a zombie or skeleton, at the casters option (and as the corpse allows), and counts as a new creature. The following circumstances may apply:

  • You must use a medium-sized humanoid corpse as an additional component cost. The remains must be sufficiently intact to produce the desired companion (ie. mostly whole for a zombie, at least skeletal for a skeleton, of negotiable quality for a wraith).
  • Your new undead companion suffers the equivalent of a death penalty (see the Raise Dead ritual, PH 311) until you have reached 3 milestones. It takes some time for the animating energies to solidify.
  • The component cost increases to 500gp at paragon tier and 5,000gp at epic tier. You learn new techniques to strengthen your undead companion as your grow in power (it still uses the same statistics).

Obsession II: Lich